Message from @Children.Deserve.Cancer.REBORN

Discord ID: 646904024485986304

Since Spain letting Scotland in would be terrible for their Catalan problem (and also maybe get the Basque campaigning more)

***GB General Election Poll (Does not include parties like the SNP) - by Panelbase (13th to 14th November):***
**Conservatives** - 43%
**Labour** - 30%
**Liberal Democrats** - 15%
**Brexit Party** - 5%
**Greens** - 2%
**UKIP** - <1%
**Others** - <1%

Little footnote: Due to FPTP, percentage does not translate exactly to seats in Parliament. However, in general, a 6% gap is usually enough to gain a majority

Also, Northern Ireland is not included in this poll due to the fact that none of the parties of Great Britain run in Northern Ireland

2019-11-16 16:23:06 UTC  

That's a really valid point ngl, glad you brought that up i think most definately Spain would veto that since losing catalonia would big a big hit to the spanish economy, losing barcelona and in general catalonia is quite rich

2019-11-16 16:23:06 UTC  

GG @AlphaUK, you just advanced to level 4!

Best way to get famous is to piss of Piers Morgan. He'll immediately invite you onto GMB @Pelth

He's a good interviewer and does push for an answer (especially from Remainers) but it gets to a point where it's better to ignore some idiots

2019-11-17 13:41:19 UTC  

Piers is a slobbering, bloated dunce.

2019-11-17 14:08:45 UTC  

i fucking despise that girl with a passion

2019-11-17 14:43:36 UTC  

why is that guy talking like the Second World War is the only war Britain has been in :p

2019-11-17 14:44:17 UTC  

Churchill was the devil yes

2019-11-17 14:46:08 UTC  

All Americans and maybe even the Scots should hate that song

2019-11-17 14:46:37 UTC  

the feelings contained inside of it almost lead to the US and Britain coming to blows several times, including after WWI

2019-11-17 21:04:30 UTC  


2019-11-20 16:33:09 UTC  

We cant leave the EU man

2019-11-20 16:33:22 UTC  

100 billion damage to the economy is too much to afford

2019-11-20 19:49:56 UTC  
2019-11-21 02:45:38 UTC  

Gonna have to try better than that if you’re trying to DDOS us, bud^

2019-11-21 17:26:16 UTC  

howz that goin lads? any progress?

2019-11-21 18:04:15 UTC  

Uk "royal" family is a bunch of crooked pedophiles

2019-11-21 18:41:17 UTC  

I’m sorry... but when are pedophiles not crooked..?

@Dr.Cosby Whether the Queen is a good figurehead or not, she's a shit mother, lmao

Charles was an immature cunt up until a few years ago

Andrew is a pedo

And her other children are annoying snobs

Honestly, the Queen is lucky her grandchild, William, picked up from his mother rather than his father

2019-11-22 08:13:17 UTC  

RIP Diana the true Queen

The People's Princess

2019-11-22 23:22:53 UTC  

Brexit? Haha a problem I'm to American to care about

2019-11-22 23:22:57 UTC  

Lol jk

2019-11-22 23:23:17 UTC  

Because I care about what happens

Watched the Question Time special

Corbyn and Sturgeon were ok

BoJo was meh

Swinson was just a car crash shitting on another car crash

2019-11-25 16:43:02 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer β€πŸ”‘ (Meh)#7076 See what Labour is proposing?