Message from @4KT ̷ NastyAssLovinCookie

Discord ID: 660536506347421699

2019-12-28 17:29:45 UTC  

Such as overused phrase

2019-12-28 17:29:52 UTC  

That's not racist

2019-12-28 17:30:11 UTC  

Becuase the American tax payer doesn’t want to pay for the wall. Make an actual argument bro

2019-12-28 17:30:21 UTC  

KKK white supremacist support him she wants them to vote for him

2019-12-28 17:30:23 UTC  

It's stupid but it's not racist

2019-12-28 17:30:32 UTC  

He does not like calling people

2019-12-28 17:30:36 UTC  

Its for security

2019-12-28 17:30:38 UTC  

And he disavowed them, I'm pretty sure

2019-12-28 17:30:46 UTC  

Step back from your partisanship and look at things thro a Neutral Glass

2019-12-28 17:31:47 UTC  

Buying pieces of land, lol. That's just a joke right?

2019-12-28 17:32:33 UTC  

Honestly, I’m trying to get you to work this out logically for yourself. If you logically look at the scenario, you’ll see what’s really going on.

2019-12-28 17:32:34 UTC  

Obama nor Trump are idiots. They both became the most powerful men on earth.. they both made stupid ass moves definitely.. but they aren’t retarded

2019-12-28 17:32:34 UTC  

GG @4KT ̷ NastyAssLovinCookie, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-12-28 17:34:08 UTC  

I was President once, Obama even mentioned it to me and politely to stand down my order so he may resume. It even got a secret service agent to say retreat xD Trump wouldn;t stand for it.

2019-12-28 17:34:26 UTC  

Classified event of course

2019-12-28 17:35:23 UTC  

It's part of why trump has been saying things about Obama

2019-12-28 17:35:24 UTC  

Obama allowed the deep state to grow

2019-12-28 17:35:46 UTC  

I can override the Presidency at any time if you know what I know

2019-12-28 17:36:03 UTC  


2019-12-28 17:36:09 UTC  


2019-12-28 17:36:15 UTC  

Love how hard core partisans are unable to look at things thro a neutral lens

2019-12-28 17:36:43 UTC  

Well the fact that Obama payed for Iran (I think it’s Iran, I get those countries mixed up) to stop weapon development proves that he is too trusting. In a perfect world, would probably work, but in a world where people need weapons...

2019-12-28 17:36:48 UTC  

Obama leaked classified information to me

2019-12-28 17:37:00 UTC  


2019-12-28 17:37:04 UTC  

Ya he probably did

2019-12-28 17:37:15 UTC  

Bruh, I don’t trust that.

2019-12-28 17:37:22 UTC  

One thing was about national security letters xD

2019-12-28 17:37:22 UTC  

Obama was worse than trump by certain metrics

2019-12-28 17:38:09 UTC  

He just leaks classified information to everyone, it’s not just you.

2019-12-28 17:38:15 UTC  

I have two full legal names since one is in the line of succession xD

2019-12-28 17:38:23 UTC  

True Yesamac

2019-12-28 17:41:51 UTC  

Are you sure you're not just imagining it all?

2019-12-28 17:42:01 UTC  

It could happen.

2019-12-28 17:57:25 UTC  


2019-12-28 17:58:02 UTC  

@HeadlessCowboy is a pathological liar

2019-12-28 18:35:43 UTC  

I feel smarter

2019-12-28 18:47:12 UTC  

@Deleted User What did I lie about? Do you have an intelligence complex?

2019-12-28 18:48:21 UTC  

Women these days. It’s no wonder why Hillary lost because women belong in the kitchen not in mma

2019-12-28 18:48:31 UTC  

If you want, ask Obama about the man that admitted getting Edward Snowden in Lawrence, Kansas. He may deny for that man or he may explain. That man whooped him at law so it is kinda embarrassing to him.

2019-12-28 19:16:12 UTC  

@Deleted User why are you delusional about politics?

2019-12-28 19:16:16 UTC  
