Message from @Cobra Commander

Discord ID: 697644829953359972

2020-04-08 23:58:35 UTC  

I want trump to punch me in my dick hole

2020-04-08 23:58:41 UTC  

Hes so sexy

2020-04-09 02:04:08 UTC  

Well, America, you had your last chance to return to normalcy and almost had a real change to the shit show we're seeing now. Bernie's out, Biden will definetly lose to Trump because he can't compose a single comeback ("Ah,C'moon"). Trump's gonna get another 4 years, but I guess that over the last few months he seems like a perfect president for you lot.

Farewell, I'll see you all in therapy.

2020-04-09 02:21:50 UTC  

Nobody said he was perfect lmao

2020-04-09 02:54:51 UTC  

except for literally every trump supporter. I'm still waiting for you guys to say one bad thing about him by the way. prove me wrong please.

2020-04-09 02:57:43 UTC  

His tax cuts would have likely given us economic trouble down the road, the wall is far too expensive for a marginal reduction in illegal immigration, he's a major asshole, he should try to say less redundant sentences, and he could have spoken better in regards to the coronavirus.

2020-04-09 02:57:56 UTC  

There, now fuck off with that disingenuous argument.

2020-04-09 02:59:32 UTC  

Now can *you* say anything bad about the democrats, since you seem to constantly want to evade that?

2020-04-09 03:03:29 UTC  

If you are willing to admit that trump has many flaws then you probably aren't supporting him. I don't like democrats or republicans because I'm an independent, I just happen to side more with liberal policies than conservative policies.

2020-04-09 03:06:39 UTC  

I will never defend a politician out of loyalty though that is objectively wrong.

2020-04-09 03:06:46 UTC  

I'm not a Trump supporter, correct, but at the same time he is the best candidate in this election and he hasn't actually been an awful president. He also actually has, well, policies and platforms to run on, and not just "Trump bad."

2020-04-09 03:07:36 UTC  

The majority don't defend him just out of loyalty though, is the thing. I see this *much* more often in democrats, which is why I left the party.

2020-04-09 03:07:47 UTC  

Joe biden is an awful candidate.

2020-04-09 03:07:57 UTC  

He truly is.

2020-04-09 03:08:23 UTC  

I have no idea who is better. In terms of policy i side more with joe biden but its hard to vote for someone in cognative decline

2020-04-09 03:08:24 UTC  

I never thought the DNC could fuck up even worse after Hillary, and then... there's Joe Biden.

2020-04-09 03:08:44 UTC  

There has to be a better democrat out there that can beat trump

2020-04-09 03:08:56 UTC  

i would take anyone besides trump or joe at this point

2020-04-09 03:10:34 UTC  

Though in fairness almost their entire presidential roster was awful. Gabbard could have really been a formidible candidate, and I'd probably vote for her over Trump, but they sabotaged her campaign because she doesn't follow in line with the others.

2020-04-09 03:11:28 UTC  

It must be a law that anyone who isn't insane cannot win the election.

2020-04-09 03:11:29 UTC  

Which is incredibly stupid because she was their only true centrist and anti-interventionist and had support from both democrats and republicans.

2020-04-09 03:12:04 UTC  


2020-04-09 03:13:43 UTC  

I think that trump voters have such a loud voice it helps him win over people. Anyone who is going to vote for biden this year is only going to vote for him because they don't like trump and not because they genuinely support biden. In contrast trump supporters are constantly talking about him, flying flags, buying bumper stickers, and wearing maga hats.

2020-04-09 03:21:47 UTC  

It's more than that. Trump's voters are not just "angry bigoted republicans and conservatives", independents and even democrats have been abandoning their party to vote for him. The issue runs far deeper than "they have the loudest voice" if this many people are doing this.

2020-04-09 03:24:15 UTC  

And the Democratic Party has no one to blame for this but themselves, what with the socialist rhetoric and authoritarian/corporatist streak and all, which is why I personally think we're going to see a Brexit-level election as well as a Brexit-level "Demexit."

2020-04-09 03:30:13 UTC  

I mean even the fucking progressives are angry and leaving the party, how the hell do you even do that?

2020-04-09 03:41:57 UTC  

Trumps a good president who wants to prove me wrong looking for a good debate

2020-04-09 03:41:57 UTC  

GG @TrustyPaprika20, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-04-09 04:43:37 UTC  

__**TRUMP 2020**__

2020-04-09 06:29:57 UTC  

Trump has done an outstanding job on the Coronavirus he decorated a travel ban to China and other parts of the world and how Biden and the left called it racist tens of thousand more people would of died the left would rather have people die then put a ban on and risk being called racists it’s crazy

2020-04-09 06:30:22 UTC  

They are even praying that hydroxichliroquin fails so trump looks bad it’s crazy

2020-04-09 07:45:04 UTC  

*yawns* major snoozer ^

2020-04-09 07:53:23 UTC  

@Festive Spaghetti Nobody says he's perfect

2020-04-09 07:53:32 UTC  

Nobody is, but I like almost all of his policies and his leadership

2020-04-09 08:32:43 UTC  

@Kenpachi He's done a terrible job with the whole thing, get your head out of your ass

2020-04-09 08:33:09 UTC  

The response to the virus was one of the slowest globally

2020-04-09 09:16:06 UTC  
2020-04-09 09:16:15 UTC  

What has he done wrong/slow?

2020-04-09 09:19:13 UTC  


2020-04-09 09:19:30 UTC  

May I introduce you to the whole month of January and February

2020-04-09 09:19:35 UTC  

How can someone be so ignorant...