Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 642461938567086081

2019-11-08 20:30:51 UTC  

Do you know what the fundamental difference is between Catholicism and orthodoxy?

2019-11-08 20:31:08 UTC  

not that interested in the precepts of men tbh

2019-11-08 20:31:19 UTC  

they find something that works for them I don't knock it but they're not gonna get far if they ignore fundamentals

2019-11-08 20:31:38 UTC  

“The precepts of men”

2019-11-08 20:31:42 UTC  


2019-11-08 20:32:01 UTC  

yeah people worship the ways of humans instead of the Moshiah

2019-11-08 20:32:03 UTC  

If you’re going to ignore the historical context you can’t really talk about theology

2019-11-08 20:32:30 UTC  

What is and isn’t in the Bible is a series of political decisions made in the late Roman Empire and the century or so that followed

2019-11-08 20:32:41 UTC  

well no I mean if their axioms are dead wrong I don't really care to pay that close of attention to the rest

2019-11-08 20:33:08 UTC  

I mean, they were the ones who decided what Jesus said and what he didn’t

2019-11-08 20:33:23 UTC  

So it’s hard to say their axioms were “dead wrong”

2019-11-08 20:33:26 UTC  

we have a copy of the Tanakh from before Christ and it proves at least the Jewish Bible is virtually 100% unchanged except for the reason they had a burial for that particular copy which is one line added to a psalm

2019-11-08 20:33:31 UTC  

the rest is identical

2019-11-08 20:33:33 UTC  

What’s an example of a dead wrong axiom

2019-11-08 20:33:46 UTC  

The psalms are not in the tanakh

2019-11-08 20:33:52 UTC  

Er worry

2019-11-08 20:33:53 UTC  

... yes they are

2019-11-08 20:33:58 UTC  

*sorry, meant Torah

2019-11-08 20:34:08 UTC  

Tanach is Torah (Pentateuch) and Ha Novi (the prophets)

2019-11-08 20:34:09 UTC  

The Tanakh has been changed

2019-11-08 20:34:22 UTC  

The apocalypse of Abraham, for instance, is not in the tanakh

2019-11-08 20:34:27 UTC  

That was a political decision

2019-11-08 20:34:28 UTC  

well no it's pretty identical to the dead sea scrolls

2019-11-08 20:34:43 UTC  

and yeah we have different canons like the book of Maccabees

2019-11-08 20:34:48 UTC  

not in Tanakh

2019-11-08 20:35:06 UTC  

Is Alexander the Great mentioned in any Abrahamic texts?

2019-11-08 20:35:26 UTC  

No I don’t believe so

2019-11-08 20:35:33 UTC  

Daniel predicts some pretty important figures in history

2019-11-08 20:35:44 UTC  

I think that's why people conclude it must have been a forgery

2019-11-08 20:35:48 UTC  

Yeah, because Daniel was written quite late

2019-11-08 20:35:55 UTC  

Not forgery, just apocryphal

2019-11-08 20:36:10 UTC  

not apocryphal if its in the canon

2019-11-08 20:36:15 UTC  

Daniel is in Ha Novi the prophets

2019-11-08 20:36:18 UTC  

That’s not what apocryphal means

2019-11-08 20:36:25 UTC  

In religious contexts

2019-11-08 20:36:31 UTC  

It can be apocryphal and canon

2019-11-08 20:36:36 UTC  

k, Daniel is part of the Tanakh regardless

2019-11-08 20:36:41 UTC  

Ok, you don’t know theology enough to discuss this

2019-11-08 20:36:51 UTC  

nah I just don't play these silly word games lol

2019-11-08 20:36:57 UTC  

Or don’t know the history well enough I guess

2019-11-08 20:37:02 UTC  

Idk, no word game here