Message from @Vlad

Discord ID: 645967290709573652

2019-11-17 20:27:49 UTC  


2019-11-17 21:47:37 UTC  

Lol Electric Pence at it again

2019-11-17 21:48:29 UTC  

How retarded do you have to be to deprive little kids of parents because you have faith that God doesn't like gays

2019-11-17 23:11:52 UTC  

Yeah that's fucked

2019-11-18 00:41:47 UTC

2019-11-18 01:14:17 UTC  

Wow that can only end badly

2019-11-18 01:18:36 UTC  

It should become the only legally permissible way to give birth

2019-11-18 01:25:05 UTC  

That's like something that would be in Idiocracy

2019-11-18 04:17:06 UTC  


2019-11-18 06:21:32 UTC  


2019-11-18 06:21:44 UTC  

you’re telling me this is real <:yus:538083968881524747>

2019-11-18 12:20:13 UTC  

@Vlad it's complicated. I think some are autogynophiles, I think some are cynics that are just taking trolling too far, some do have gender dysphoria

2019-11-18 12:21:31 UTC  

I do not think transwomen are women, I prefer calling them Trans-identitfying-males. I think women's hard-won rights should be respected and their situation and feelings also taken into account. We can't throw 50% of the popultion under the bus becasue 0.05% of people want to invade their spaces

2019-11-18 12:25:46 UTC  

So, to you, what does it mean when organizations like the APA do not classify transgenderism as a mental illness due to the high number of transgender people who do not experience any problems with their condition?

2019-11-18 12:26:12 UTC  

Is that a simple case of the APA falling to soak leftist political pressure then?

2019-11-18 12:32:07 UTC  

No idea on the last questin, I assume they are correct on the first. I don't think it has to be a mental ilness to still be in conflict with the politics of female identity

2019-11-18 12:34:11 UTC  

There is the issue of whether or not it is mental healthy to look down at a male body and see a female, some from angles, the trans issue might be judging the APA rather than the APA judging the trans issue

2019-11-18 12:35:22 UTC  

I do think some of the tests given, espeically to children, are more about gender stereotypes than mental health

2019-11-18 12:43:21 UTC  

So, the APA has crumbled under pressure of the trans community, and has decided that there are enough excuses for them to label their condition as a non-mental illness?

2019-11-18 12:43:23 UTC  

Is that the idea?

2019-11-18 12:44:03 UTC  

I am simply trying to understand why is it so impossible for it not to be a mental illness when there are experts in the field who say that it isn't.

2019-11-18 12:44:42 UTC  

Are they all super corrupt, paid-for, hyper leftist stooges that they cannot possibly be onto something there?

2019-11-18 12:47:01 UTC  

I read a study recently, according to which trans people were born with a naturally underdeveloped NR3C4s, which later on translates directly into gender-related issues whilst having absolutely no other influence on the lives of those people whatsoever.

2019-11-18 12:47:52 UTC  

Is that just bs that someone made up?

2019-11-18 12:48:06 UTC  

I am trying to understand how you guys do things on the other side of the ocean.

2019-11-18 12:48:07 UTC  

I didnt' say any of that in your first paragraph there

2019-11-18 12:48:14 UTC  

Yeah, ofc.

2019-11-18 12:48:17 UTC  

I am just asking.

2019-11-18 12:48:42 UTC  

Because to deny everything the APA says, naturally, there's got to be a reason, right?

2019-11-18 12:49:11 UTC  

```I am simply trying to understand why is it so impossible for it not to be a mental illness when there are experts in the field who say that it isn't.```

2019-11-18 12:49:15 UTC  

like what do you mean there

2019-11-18 12:49:40 UTC  

What I mean is this: why is it impossible for transgenderism NOT to be a mental illness if experts in the field say that it isn't?

2019-11-18 12:49:46 UTC  

There is corruption in any organization, and there have been people digging into the financial angles of the TRA Movement, including the drug companies that make the hormones, etc

2019-11-18 12:49:58 UTC  


2019-11-18 12:50:20 UTC  

The RadFems say it's the last gasp of patriarchy, lots of angles

2019-11-18 12:51:19 UTC  

Those organizations take a firm stand on it, but I wouldn't say America as a whole has even come close to one, except for affirming everybody has 'human rights'

2019-11-18 12:51:39 UTC  


2019-11-18 12:51:50 UTC  

The RadFems blame the right for TRAs, the right laughs at that and says "we warned you this would happen vis-a-vis gays and slippery slope"

2019-11-18 12:52:23 UTC  

So, how would you determine if this is an actual mental disorder if you had to?

2019-11-18 12:55:08 UTC  

Partly, it would be N/A for me because I reject the idea of 'gender' as transgender politics use the term entirely