Message from @TheBritishGamer ❤🔑 (Meh)

Discord ID: 565803248720805898

Now she got aods

Oh and I'm a STD ranger

I'm the leader Aids ranger

2019-04-10 10:47:51 UTC  

Go get em tiger

I too dad

2019-04-10 20:28:07 UTC  

Aids is baf

2019-04-10 20:28:11 UTC  


2019-04-10 20:28:14 UTC  


2019-04-10 20:41:27 UTC  


2019-04-10 20:49:57 UTC  

Based on gays

2019-04-10 20:50:03 UTC  

So aids makes you gays

2019-04-10 21:16:03 UTC  


2019-04-10 21:16:22 UTC  

Doing sex that is not intended by nature leads to aids

2019-04-10 21:16:47 UTC  

You can do someone with hiv 200 times before you get infected

2019-04-10 21:17:04 UTC  

However do anal and youll only get 30 tries

2019-04-10 21:36:17 UTC  

That's not how viruses work

2019-04-10 21:36:43 UTC  

If you have unprotected sex with a guy who has aids and there's transfer of bodily fluids you'll very likely get aids

2019-04-10 21:37:01 UTC  

Whether its anal or not

Gay sex is bad sex because it is gross and gay and is aids

2019-04-11 04:20:22 UTC  

Really, if you have unprotected sex with anyone that has the HIV/aids virus, then you will have a good chance of getting the virus transferred to you

2019-04-11 07:40:06 UTC  

Viruses don't care about whether you're gay or not

2019-04-11 07:40:13 UTC  

If it sees a way to spread, it will take it

2019-04-11 19:04:29 UTC  

Point of order, there is a much greater risk from anal sex due to the nature of immune responses to foreign bodies in the colon. There was a paper detailing this somewhat recently. Even so, your chances of contracting the virus are still quite low from simple contact, as it often requires some sort of wound to properly enter the blood stream.

In any case, it's largely irrelevant because Africa actually has a far higher population of HIV positive people than any known homosexual community. Some 70% of all people living with HIV are in sub-saharan Africa.

2019-04-11 19:04:29 UTC  

GG @Wojak, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-04-11 19:05:12 UTC  

Though, these days, quite a lot of people (online anyway) who want to argue "gay sex bad" are the same people who would say "blacks are dumb" and disregard them as people as well.

2019-04-11 19:05:44 UTC  


2019-04-11 19:05:49 UTC  

blacks are dumb

2019-04-11 19:06:01 UTC  

and homo sex bad

2019-04-11 19:06:16 UTC  

As an additional point, HIV primarily and ostensibly spreads most (like STI's in general) through high risk taking populations that also have aversion to any kind of safer sex practices. Case in point, the US bible belt, and sub-saharan Africa where catholicism holds the most sway.

2019-04-11 19:06:34 UTC  

In fact, irrespective of IQ, religion is the primary reason for the spread of any given STI.

2019-04-11 19:07:25 UTC  

Case in point: White rates of HIV for homosexuals for white-white populations only have fallen dramatically, and continue to plummet, in non-religious areas. Other ethnicities are experiencing a huge spike, however, and are much more religious (as in the case of blacks in the bible belt). So religion, largely, is responsible.

2019-04-11 19:07:58 UTC  

It actually does support the notion that if you stop discriminating against homosexual men, and encourage them to be socially responsible members of society, the risks drop substantially.

2019-04-11 19:08:08 UTC  

religion is not the reason for STI, you fuck, also HIV in homosexuals have been increased retarded

2019-04-11 19:09:02 UTC  

and I will discriminate if I want to

2019-04-11 19:10:27 UTC  

But the #1 single largest group responsible for the widest HIV transmission: Child sexual abuse victims. This is because they tend to play in to other high-risk populations like gamblers and so forth. Example etiology paper:

2019-04-11 19:10:55 UTC  

Naturally not all end up going this route, but the ones who do tend to be the most compulsive and riskiest sex addicts.

2019-04-11 19:11:17 UTC  

If anyone wants to blame somebody, blame people who abuse their children.

2019-04-11 19:11:17 UTC  


2019-04-11 19:11:19 UTC  

Does anyone ever talk in voice chat?

2019-04-11 19:11:27 UTC  

I go there sometimes but, yeah, nobody there.

2019-04-11 19:11:28 UTC  

I'll hop on.