Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 645745012268597288

2019-11-17 18:22:19 UTC  

like Nassim Taleb is today or Steve Keen

2019-11-17 18:22:31 UTC  

The most hard working people in America are suddenly people with obvious unearned income, and while im not a huge fan of bailouts, they can be necessary in making sure the economy stays in balance

2019-11-17 18:22:38 UTC  

His economic tool kit was limited, built on the English classicals and they were not very good

2019-11-17 18:23:41 UTC  

He would be smarter than that, he pre-dated futures contracts and all the risk analysis that has come from learning them, he would understand some people are socializing their risks on society and not 'earning' the income of those capital gains or coupon payments

2019-11-17 18:24:01 UTC  

He's still quoted by modenr day economists for that reason, he 'got it' just not in depth

2019-11-17 18:26:37 UTC  

and nah the bailouts are not necessary for that at all, they do the exact opposite

2019-11-17 18:27:00 UTC  

the whole point of capitalism is the creative destruction that comes from poorly run businesses going bankrupt, out of business, and their assets sold off

2019-11-17 18:27:47 UTC  

Nobody would rail against bailouts harder than karl marx, they are the epitome of the 'worst of both worlds': private profits, socialized losses

2019-11-17 18:28:14 UTC  

Why have 3 big automakers when we can have 300 smaller yeoman car makers!

2019-11-17 18:42:54 UTC

2019-11-17 18:43:51 UTC  

Keen explaining a few pieces of Marx's written bits on complexity

2019-11-17 20:27:22 UTC  


2019-11-17 21:16:29 UTC

2019-11-17 21:43:06 UTC  


2019-11-17 21:54:30 UTC

2019-11-17 21:55:26 UTC  

Fed was starting to shrink the balance sheet, Trump brow beat them until they started expanding it again, QE4 baby, i traded that

2019-11-17 21:55:32 UTC  

along with the rate cut

2019-11-17 21:59:19 UTC  

that trend of workers' share of gdp is scary, and the turn around that was happening 'under Obama' seems like it will start declining since the tax cuts are and gov deficit growth isn't being paired with any real populist gov spending

2019-11-17 22:00:08 UTC  

```The U.S. government’s budget deficit ballooned to nearly $1 trillion in 2019, the Treasury Department announced Friday, as the United States’ fiscal imbalance widened for a fourth consecutive year despite a sustained run of economic growth. The deficit grew $205 billion, or 26 percent, in the past year.

The country’s worsening fiscal picture runs in sharp contrast to President Trump’s campaign promise to eliminate the federal debt within eight years. The deficit is up nearly 50 percent in the Trump era. Since taking office, Trump has endorsed big spending increases and steered most Republicans to abandon the deficit obsession they held during the Obama administration.```

2019-11-17 22:00:42 UTC  

usually gov incomes soar during boom times

2019-11-17 22:12:09 UTC

2019-11-18 01:57:51 UTC  

@Sh0t sup. What you trying to show here?

2019-11-18 01:58:45 UTC  

Btw Taleb is oddly a trump supporter thinking he is somehow reallocating risk. Very odd conclusion to otherwise sound economic thinking

2019-11-18 02:38:09 UTC  

Just looking at the macro trends in general, the initial one was a subtle counter-narrative to the Trump economy porpaganda

2019-11-18 02:43:32 UTC  

What's your thoughts on taleb

2019-11-18 02:43:47 UTC  

one of the greatest living philosophers for sure, in my book

2019-11-18 02:44:15 UTC  

So you support Trump but admit most of his talk on the economy is propaganda, yeah?

2019-11-18 02:45:13 UTC  

I guess I dont see his point A to B but if hes a great philosopher...

2019-11-18 02:45:14 UTC  

I don't support him, I take the individual policies and judge them, but I dislike the 'extracurricular' activity

2019-11-18 02:45:44 UTC  

Judging policy is great and all but end of the day you have to vote D or R

2019-11-18 02:45:51 UTC  

I didn't vote either last time

2019-11-18 02:45:55 UTC  

I voted for McMullin

2019-11-18 02:46:03 UTC  


2019-11-18 02:46:05 UTC  


2019-11-18 02:46:09 UTC  


2019-11-18 02:46:42 UTC  


2019-11-18 02:47:04 UTC  

What state do you live in?

2019-11-18 02:47:25 UTC  

I have property in several states, 1 liberal, 2 conservative

2019-11-18 02:47:35 UTC  

You voted 3 times illegally?