Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 648295595483725854

2019-11-24 18:11:50 UTC  

(Marjority of 'Marxist' states were actually interpretations of Marxism)

2019-11-24 18:12:25 UTC  

Examples: Marxism, Lenninism. Titoism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, Maoism,

2019-11-24 18:32:42 UTC  

Also his "ideas" have effected policies in countries all across the world - successful ones too.

2019-11-24 21:57:21 UTC  

Not every ideology followed by a country has to be exactly how the first philosopher of said ideology envisioned it for it to be considered a part of the same beliefs

2019-11-24 21:57:28 UTC  

Not every communist country has to be the same

2019-11-24 21:57:37 UTC  

truth is that communism has been tried many times

2019-11-24 21:58:25 UTC  

just like how there are spinoffs of any belief system, that doesn't mean that for example the UK and the United States aren't both Representative Republics of course they are

2019-11-24 21:58:49 UTC  

they are just different in a few ways

2019-11-24 22:02:49 UTC  

Marx helped bring complex system thinking into economics, that alone is a huge contribution

2019-11-24 22:50:43 UTC  

The only good thing to come from Marx were a few socialist policies adopted throughout Europe

2019-11-24 22:52:27 UTC  

WE haven't seen anything yet policy wise, most of what he talked about was resisted, even by the "marxists"

2019-11-24 22:52:51 UTC  

the post-Keyesnians are first real attempt and they are fought hard by the Neoliberals

2019-11-24 22:53:45 UTC  

The Communism Meme is like 2% of what Marx talked about

2019-11-24 22:53:59 UTC  


2019-11-24 22:54:12 UTC  

They were all reading the same Communist Manifesto

2019-11-24 22:54:17 UTC  

the same Kapitalism

2019-11-24 22:54:23 UTC  

they all read the same texts

2019-11-24 22:54:30 UTC  

shame they got only 2%

2019-11-24 22:54:33 UTC  

what afucking joke

2019-11-24 22:54:44 UTC  

You can read stuff without practicing it or paying heed to it

2019-11-24 22:55:14 UTC  

I cant believe only 2% of his beliefs were practiced give me the other 98% pls

2019-11-24 22:55:30 UTC  

what was practiced was mostly just using marx as a marketing slogan to grab power

2019-11-24 22:55:54 UTC  

Leninism for example directly went against what marx said about passing through stages

2019-11-24 22:56:02 UTC  

so give me the other 98% of policies not adopted

2019-11-24 22:56:11 UTC  

Entire Bolshevik faction was refutation of some of his main ideas, at least as for as positive action was concerned

2019-11-24 22:56:33 UTC  

Much of what he talked about wasn't policy , it was analysis, building up a framework of system dynamics

2019-11-24 22:56:34 UTC  

They refuted economic and social collectivism and class warfare too?

2019-11-24 22:57:10 UTC  

Marx talked passing through the stages, the Bolsheviks were dramatically opposed to that. The Mensheviks were the 'marxists' and they got kicked out

2019-11-24 22:57:30 UTC  

Thats what the october coup was, the bolsheviks executing a coup against the Mensheviks

2019-11-24 22:58:02 UTC  

Even that isn't to say that many political and economic stances of marxism werent adopted

2019-11-24 22:58:31 UTC  

just because they coup a seperate faction of communists doesnt mean that they wont didn't adopt policies

2019-11-24 22:58:45 UTC  

well that's exactly what happened, the Bolshevik's opposed transitioning Russia into a capitalist economy first

2019-11-24 22:58:58 UTC  

that was what the fight between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks was about

2019-11-24 22:59:26 UTC  

Kerensky lost, Lenin took over, and Bolshevism created the USSR

2019-11-24 23:00:43 UTC  

Lenin and Co were like corrupt people using Jesus as their marketing mascot, but dont care about the poor, pissing on the Beatitudes, etc

2019-11-24 23:01:09 UTC  

Literally the only major difference between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks was the rate of change at which they wanted to progress society

2019-11-24 23:01:19 UTC  

policy wise they were almost entirely similar

2019-11-24 23:01:31 UTC  

that's a big difference, it's like going from ice to steam without becoming water first

2019-11-24 23:01:36 UTC  


2019-11-24 23:01:46 UTC  

Lenin didnt use Jesus as a marketing tool at all

2019-11-24 23:01:51 UTC  

what the fuck is that even supposed to mean