Message from @jaguarknight

Discord ID: 703045676199706684

2020-04-22 03:40:08 UTC  

In my case I try to read or watch videos on history and politics and culture but I know my strengths lie in my work and I strive to become better at my job
I can live on my own if need be and stay functional because I am well rounded enough.
Sad to say that I know others my age that can't even cook a meal, change a tire or even use hand tools

2020-04-22 03:47:37 UTC  

@jaguarknight I think the ideals of liberty, tradition, community, and manhood bond young men of color more than anything else. In war, everyone is green. Its frustrating for sure I imagine. I'm not the best kind of guy, but I do know a few things of research about how the black community has been crushed and used by the CIA since the 70s, before it could even grow. And it's been down hill ever since. Heuy P Newton, of the original non-marxist Black Panthers gave a really good talk on a show I listen to called "Down the rabbit hole, with popeye" that was very elucidating. Anyways I'm rambling.

2020-04-22 03:48:54 UTC

2020-04-22 03:53:01 UTC  

Thanks bud
Now I gotta see that what you mentioned
Anyways im signing out

2020-04-22 10:54:58 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio yeah agreeing with what's being said here. I don't think it's a white man's problem at all we're just starting to see it. I do also like the renaissance man idea; we definitely all have the ability to foster a wide variety of skills even if there are many we are not able to master.

2020-04-22 11:54:18 UTC  

Alright I'm going to go sleep for an exam I have tomorrow but I'm sure that there are a bunch of renaissance man style things we could all learn online

2020-04-23 18:12:49 UTC  

I know john mark reaches the same conclusion when it comes to demographics changing, with newly arrived immigrants and their children voting 2 to 3 left wing. What do yall think?

2020-04-23 18:21:15 UTC  

I mean I think it's pretty obvious, been a long time coming. Who knows what societal shift would occur with the single party state, there is always a counterculture. Most immigrants don't vote. It's why I'm completely against mandatory voting

2020-04-23 18:21:49 UTC  

Because if we had mandatory voting we would literally be democratic socialists for a long time until the entire nation would collapse.

2020-04-23 21:12:18 UTC  

@Bard most dont, but its generational as well. Look to california for the future if this continues. Also thay would be citizens voting. I believe there should be a vote of no confidence , on the ballot if it was mandatory. Or a NOLO neither candidate option

2020-04-23 21:13:57 UTC  

Cuban immigrants are based af

2020-04-23 21:14:07 UTC  

Their kids and grandkids tho....

2020-04-23 21:14:22 UTC  

What's the percentage of Cuban immigrants though?

2020-04-23 21:14:32 UTC  

Where I’m from?

2020-04-23 21:14:47 UTC  

A metric fuckton

2020-04-23 21:15:00 UTC  

From the entire country, small potatoes

2020-04-23 21:15:32 UTC  

But once again the first generation and possibly second generation immigrants are likely to be conservative if they come from state total dictatorship, but by the third generation they’re almost always going to be progressive because of color barrier

2020-04-24 00:46:09 UTC  

I feel like a lot of zoomers have been based asf, too, even from 2016, and if this Boomer Remover . . . uhh. . . Removes Boomers. . .

2020-04-24 00:47:03 UTC  

It might also lead to another baby boom. You know how people get when they stressed, bored, locked together, and think its the end times

2020-04-24 00:52:31 UTC  

Real talk
I want to smash so bad but I keep thinking
What example would I show my children
How can I look them in the eye when they want to quit when I haven't succeeded
That keeps me moving sometimes
For the next guilt free smash

2020-04-24 00:54:40 UTC  

@jaguarknight I feel you. My son is 4 and I haven't done the things I wanted to do. I should have a solid career to support him, but I'm still struggling. My advice is do the best you can, I may not be the best father, but I'm doing what I can

2020-04-24 01:14:12 UTC  

Keep them legs closed
Aye aye cap
But in real talk
Im working on certifications and getting qualifications so that I can not only better myself but also you know
Be useful

2020-04-24 01:36:33 UTC  

Cant do that first part lmao, I'm tryna have so many kids I cuck ghengis khan

2020-04-24 01:51:07 UTC  

> *2120*

"" *Indeed, about 1 in 5 North Americans can trace their heritage back to Old New York. . .* ""

2020-04-24 01:52:48 UTC  

But real talk
I've become more useful in the past year and have seen myself grow that it saddens me to see people trash my occupation and downplay blue collar jobs

I honestly think that being there and working with your own hands is more rewarding than moving numbers on paper

2020-04-24 01:55:15 UTC  

idk - if someone would actually pay me to move numbers I'd be keen on paperwork for days. But, I do agree. Practical / Mechanical jobs lend a lot toward other valuable life skills for circumstances

2020-04-24 02:01:01 UTC  

Yeah and at the end of the day I can only speak for myself
But if anyone needs a hand in willing to do so.
Especially if you provide lunch

2020-05-01 17:46:36 UTC  

Has the 5th circuit ruling been debated much?

2020-05-02 08:29:41 UTC  

Remind me which one exactly you're talking about

2020-05-02 23:53:38 UTC  

Communists be like: For the people!

Communists also be like: Nazis bad!

Communists also be like: Meh we only killed 100 million people

2020-05-02 23:54:48 UTC  

No bro, Stallinists be like that

2020-05-02 23:54:51 UTC  

Aka Tankies

2020-05-02 23:55:24 UTC  

@Silverfang so explain to me my question

2020-05-02 23:55:34 UTC  


2020-05-02 23:55:34 UTC  

Are men not entitled to the fruit of their labor?

2020-05-02 23:55:45 UTC  

What percent of being a slave is acceptable?

2020-05-02 23:55:47 UTC  

@mcguyver123 Why should one person be entitled to a share of 1000 people's labor?

2020-05-02 23:56:01 UTC  

@Silverfang Because not everyone is worth the same when it comes to work

2020-05-02 23:56:13 UTC  


2020-05-02 23:56:17 UTC  

So you're in favor of slavery then K