Message from @Deadbeat Radio

Discord ID: 702365291564236891

2020-04-08 18:45:42 UTC  

Racism is racism no matter who does it, rwverse racism doesnt exist

2020-04-08 19:10:48 UTC  

I agree - but you know what *those people* mean by ""Reverse Racism""

> *issagainstmassa - it don coun*

2020-04-08 23:45:46 UTC  

Thats why I live trad

2020-04-08 23:45:59 UTC  

Tradition is the new rebellion

2020-04-18 04:17:57 UTC  

What do yall think? Connecting locally is probably going to be the best and safest way to at the very least restore our local areas away from big giv/leftist commies.

2020-04-18 04:24:33 UTC  

Im trying to meet with local (state) boys
Hopefully we get something figured out

2020-04-22 01:54:04 UTC  

@jaguarknight localism needs to make a comeback big time.

2020-04-22 01:54:53 UTC  

Also saw this on a comment regarding masculine Idols from the past no longer being idolized today.
"They are all deconstructed. The deconstruction of productive masculine models for white men has lead to the steady growth of the fringe. Men can find masculine validation as leaders, builders and protectors or as warriors, takers and conquerors.
If men cannot find masculine validation through peaceful means, they will become warriors and take what they want through conquest.
In the years to come look for young white males to increasingly embrace religious extremism, to start forming criminal gangs, to rush into more fringe politics. All of this is done in order to find an authentic masculinity and to embrace power and strength in its rawest form, not as builder, but as conqueror."

2020-04-22 02:08:45 UTC  

Im finna build a better world for my kids, I aint conquering shit

2020-04-22 02:25:41 UTC  

Fair enough

2020-04-22 02:26:00 UTC  

I just like throwing other peoples comments out that I find interesting and seeing what people think

2020-04-22 02:26:07 UTC  

Im proud of the state I live in and wish others would be proud of their homes
I used to volunteer to help feed the less fortunate and was in a community clean up a few times
Try to show an example and all

Also @Deadbeat Radio
Ive never seen that be more eloquently put but it's not just young white males
Other races too
We're tired of it but not everyone is willing to stand up

2020-04-22 02:36:38 UTC  

As @Deadbeat Radio and I have discussed at length, we need to reinvent the renaissance man. Each of us should strive to be that modern renaissance man, proficient as a wide vareity of skills and subjects, master at a few. Should encompass practical and intellectual pursuits and then some

2020-04-22 03:34:57 UTC  

@jaguarknight no fair point. I'd contend it's been that way with young black men for longer, it's just that now its reached the lower to upper middle class young whites and here we all are.

2020-04-22 03:36:43 UTC  

@thedarkness05 you know I agree with that 100%. We cant just talk the talk, which I believe at least 70 to 90 percent of people here are actively living, enjoying, and improving their lives and relationships. I mean hell, I'm talking to a new Yorker right now( the lowest of low) and never thought other people would share my same sentiments.

2020-04-22 03:37:04 UTC  

P.S. @thedarkness05 love ya buddy

2020-04-22 03:38:02 UTC  

Yeah and to be honest I don't care what you're color is but I'm sick of the media painting young white males in that color
Like guys, us too. It completely goes against the narrative since you know, young males of color are totally superior to whites.
But we're just as frustrated and backed up against the wall as our white brothers

2020-04-22 03:40:08 UTC  

In my case I try to read or watch videos on history and politics and culture but I know my strengths lie in my work and I strive to become better at my job
I can live on my own if need be and stay functional because I am well rounded enough.
Sad to say that I know others my age that can't even cook a meal, change a tire or even use hand tools

2020-04-22 03:47:37 UTC  

@jaguarknight I think the ideals of liberty, tradition, community, and manhood bond young men of color more than anything else. In war, everyone is green. Its frustrating for sure I imagine. I'm not the best kind of guy, but I do know a few things of research about how the black community has been crushed and used by the CIA since the 70s, before it could even grow. And it's been down hill ever since. Heuy P Newton, of the original non-marxist Black Panthers gave a really good talk on a show I listen to called "Down the rabbit hole, with popeye" that was very elucidating. Anyways I'm rambling.

2020-04-22 03:48:54 UTC

2020-04-22 03:53:01 UTC  

Thanks bud
Now I gotta see that what you mentioned
Anyways im signing out

2020-04-22 10:54:58 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio yeah agreeing with what's being said here. I don't think it's a white man's problem at all we're just starting to see it. I do also like the renaissance man idea; we definitely all have the ability to foster a wide variety of skills even if there are many we are not able to master.

2020-04-22 11:54:18 UTC  

Alright I'm going to go sleep for an exam I have tomorrow but I'm sure that there are a bunch of renaissance man style things we could all learn online

2020-04-23 18:12:49 UTC  

I know john mark reaches the same conclusion when it comes to demographics changing, with newly arrived immigrants and their children voting 2 to 3 left wing. What do yall think?

2020-04-23 18:21:15 UTC  

I mean I think it's pretty obvious, been a long time coming. Who knows what societal shift would occur with the single party state, there is always a counterculture. Most immigrants don't vote. It's why I'm completely against mandatory voting

2020-04-23 18:21:49 UTC  

Because if we had mandatory voting we would literally be democratic socialists for a long time until the entire nation would collapse.

2020-04-23 21:12:18 UTC  

@Bard most dont, but its generational as well. Look to california for the future if this continues. Also thay would be citizens voting. I believe there should be a vote of no confidence , on the ballot if it was mandatory. Or a NOLO neither candidate option

2020-04-23 21:13:57 UTC  

Cuban immigrants are based af

2020-04-23 21:14:07 UTC  

Their kids and grandkids tho....

2020-04-23 21:14:22 UTC  

What's the percentage of Cuban immigrants though?

2020-04-23 21:14:32 UTC  

Where I’m from?

2020-04-23 21:14:47 UTC  

A metric fuckton

2020-04-23 21:15:00 UTC  

From the entire country, small potatoes

2020-04-23 21:15:32 UTC  

But once again the first generation and possibly second generation immigrants are likely to be conservative if they come from state total dictatorship, but by the third generation they’re almost always going to be progressive because of color barrier

2020-04-24 00:46:09 UTC  

I feel like a lot of zoomers have been based asf, too, even from 2016, and if this Boomer Remover . . . uhh. . . Removes Boomers. . .

2020-04-24 00:47:03 UTC  

It might also lead to another baby boom. You know how people get when they stressed, bored, locked together, and think its the end times

2020-04-24 00:52:31 UTC  

Real talk
I want to smash so bad but I keep thinking
What example would I show my children
How can I look them in the eye when they want to quit when I haven't succeeded
That keeps me moving sometimes
For the next guilt free smash

2020-04-24 00:54:40 UTC  

@jaguarknight I feel you. My son is 4 and I haven't done the things I wanted to do. I should have a solid career to support him, but I'm still struggling. My advice is do the best you can, I may not be the best father, but I'm doing what I can

2020-04-24 01:14:12 UTC  

Keep them legs closed
Aye aye cap
But in real talk
Im working on certifications and getting qualifications so that I can not only better myself but also you know
Be useful