Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 303307244399755276
Some cant be
@BlackMetalWitch was Templar there too?
But some can be reformed into functioning members of sociaty
They could leave jail for 20 years then commit a crime so do you take the money from the Jail for not properly rehabilitating them?
He "helped her up"
Welp time to call
Fucking hell.
What human fucking trash
Annnnd his voicemail is full.
she was attacking a man.. I was gonna try to detain her for the police.... I HATE HER
Probably thinks he's the victim
@Whitecheese HE DINDU NUFFIN
I just got back from a third world country
@🅱arD Where was that?
But this shit is making me more depressed
Holy shit how did you not get attacked by a gang of white hating nigs?
Ohiofag here, i'm close outside Cleveland but nowhere near where the nig is shooting
Does anyone have the greentext that that pic was made from?
They were surprisingly nice
And the group I went with knew what we were doing
Why'd you go?
I thought haiti hated whites?
Or that may be a south american thing?
Used to, but not anymore
So how can i join anticom officially?
Smear yourself in the blood of commies
^ will do
@Bendies Do you have a mic?
Yes i do
Thanks man
Haiti had a legit white genocide, but that was a little long time ago and a response to some legitimately bad treatment by the whites. Since then their relationship with whites have changed a lot.