Message from @An Admirable Admiral
Discord ID: 303307377984405516
He "helped her up"
Welp time to call
Fucking hell.
What human fucking trash
Annnnd his voicemail is full.
she was attacking a man.. I was gonna try to detain her for the police.... I HATE HER
Probably thinks he's the victim
@Whitecheese HE DINDU NUFFIN
I just got back from a third world country
@🅱arD Where was that?
But this shit is making me more depressed
Holy shit how did you not get attacked by a gang of white hating nigs?
Ohiofag here, i'm close outside Cleveland but nowhere near where the nig is shooting
They were surprisingly nice
And the group I went with knew what we were doing
Why'd you go?
I thought haiti hated whites?
Or that may be a south american thing?
Used to, but not anymore
So how can i join anticom officially?
Smear yourself in the blood of commies
^ will do
@Bendies Do you have a mic?
Yes i do
Thanks man
Haiti had a legit white genocide, but that was a little long time ago and a response to some legitimately bad treatment by the whites. Since then their relationship with whites have changed a lot.
@BlackMetalWitch you could've prevented that, you could've stopped her
I can't get on voice
When can you? I can whenever tonight