Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 484358093443039232
@LargePizza I agree. South Africa seems to be used as the canary in the cole mine by the New World Order. How do you impose white guilt to convince people to surrender the capitalist governing of a 1st world country to communists and turn it into a 3rd world country. How do you keep most people poor so they are easily convinced to support the Socialist government. Does open borders help to have more poverty, crime and unemployment. Can you prevent people from creating their own wealth by giving them social grants while brain washing them that the white supremisists won't allow them to progress and become self sufficient. Can people be convinced to support you if you promise free stuff and will they believe you if you blame failure of delivering it on white supremisists and white monopoly capital? Can you keep blaming poverty and non delivery of promised free stuff on white supremisists and white monopoly capital infinitely? Can you silence all facts and logic with accusations of racism? Can you systematic create wars against one cultures history, statues, language and religion? If some corruption becomes exposed, can it easily be put into the shadows of a new story of a new protest or war against a piece of culture, history or racism? Can people be convinced that only white people can be racist and that black people are allowed to use derogatory language and even encourage acts of violence against them without consequences?
And so it carries on, and then we see it happening in the West.
But capitalism is a sham unless you the one sitting at the top ... events in 2008 (US 2008 mortgage bust) has shown us to be a house of cards purely based on magic pixie fairy dust.
@Deleted User There's nothing wrong with Capitalism, there's something wrong with how it's been implemented...
Can't believe there are pro commie folks, it's incredibly stupid to ignore historical failures of epic proportions, and think it will somehow work.
How ignorant people are.. Same goes for socialism
communists are a bit like flat-earthers no?
Something like that... I think flat earth borrows from commie mental gymnastics, they are like distant cousins i think.
@spursfan82 To compare communist to Flat earthers is actually an insult to flat earthers...Flat earthers for the most part have reason for their beliefs, and I don't mean the extreme "NASA is lying to us, the moon is a hologram" lot, I'm talking about the ones that believe in the ideology behind the theory, that humanity wasn't here by chance..Communist are just fucking stupid, communism has been tried and failed miserably everytime...
haha 😂
What I meant was that Communists are the flat earthers of political ideologies.
But I agree, I'm being harsh on flat earthers
NP my dude
Charges laid against EFF on two campuses – AfriForum
Natasha Venter | 28 August 2018
Organisation says party displayed posters reading 'fotsek Afrikaans' and 'down with institutional racism'
alt-right SJW rears it's ugly head at Facebook
Alt Right SJW?....What is that? That's like saying a Vegan Carnivore
quoting the new york times seems legit
Why is James Damore even demonized to this day? Right after all of that controversy, that Susan woman that runs YouTube side of Google used the exact same arguments to explain why they're aren't enough women in tech, and she got praised for it taking credit for his work. Why is he still demonized though? More double standards lol
It all reminds me of all those morality crusading anti-LGBT GOP politicians who get caught out :).
a picture is worth a thousand words... so speculation on just a few words is all this is about? lol
Economists! I'm curious. I want your opinions. Which would y'all be more in favor for..A Flat Income Tax or Income Tax capped at ??% ?
I'm not a economist so this is my opinion, I'd say in a country like ours? Income dependent tax would the prudent choice for now
Any certain percentage that you would be in favor of?
Tax is theft..
How does one have established country\government without any Tax?
Even Arnold Swarzeneger sp? believes in taxation..
@ZombieQueen Why is it always extremes??? Tax is forced, doesnt mean you cant willingly contribute, doesnt mean you cant have the free market take care of what the government can offer, and with better quality too. Tax is theft, if you dont pay for service, you dont get service... but notice it says if you dont pay, implying a choice... Tax is forced, it's not a choice lol.
Rely on willing contribution? You sure do have a lot of hope in the philanthropic proclivities of humanity. Lol