Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 654655360879296512

2019-12-12 12:04:50 UTC  

-df itchy

2019-12-12 12:04:50 UTC  

**itchy**: [irritation] of [the skin] usually caused by dry skin [cells]
*Alleriges [give] me itchy [skin].*
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2019-12-12 12:04:58 UTC  

-df itchy nuts

2019-12-12 12:04:58 UTC  

**itchy**: [irritation] of [the skin] usually caused by dry skin [cells]
*Alleriges [give] me itchy [skin].*
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2019-12-12 12:05:09 UTC  

-df blue balls

2019-12-12 12:05:09 UTC  

**blue balls**: When the testicles turn blue from not ejaculating when you should.

When I was 14, I was hanging out in my bedroom. I wanted to jerk off so I searched up some porn and started wanking. But then my mom walked in and I was about to cum. I told her that my brother wanted to say something to her (distraction method) and she left. I checked and I had gotten [the Blue Screen of Death]. I tried restarting the laptop but it didn’t turn on. Then I got the worst case of blue balls ever.

It felt so brutal. I held my balls in pain but it was like they were replaced by sad [blue bags] of disappointment. It felt like someone cut my dick with a razor blade. I tried wanking again but it was too flaccid, and I was out of lube anyway. I tried to stand up but it hurt to. I [shuffled] my way to my friend’s house to wank off at since they also had a computer.
*When I got there, [the little brother] kicked my in the balls as a joke. I almost shit myself. I jerked off finally but I needed lube. I used [the glue] in their cabinet and jerked off. When I finished though, my hand was stuck to my dick. I had grabbed the [superglue] by mistake while trying to cure my blue balls.*
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2019-12-12 12:05:15 UTC  

-df bollocks

2019-12-12 12:05:15 UTC  

**Bollocks**: 14th Century (as 'ballocks') English term which has grown numerous useful applications within today's language:

1. Term of exasperation, often at having made a mistake.

2. As a plural noun, [the bollocks] are the testicles.

3. Exaggerated truth or blatant lies.

4. Unfathomable rubbish; corporate management speak, e.g. 'blue-sky thinking', 'touch base', and 'thinking outside the box'.

5. Poor or bad effort, esp. with media references. (The more [bollocks], the worse the event.)

6. When the bollocks belong to a canine, the inverse meaning of (5.) comes into play, though nobody knows quite why. This meaning appears to date back from 1989.

7. To 'drop a bollock' is to commit a social [faux-pas] leading to grave embarrassment.

8. A 'bollocking' is a telling off, often by one's boss for an inadequate or incomplete [piece of work], or inappropriate behaviour.

9. To lack bollocks is to be [gutless], spineless and generally lack courage. This is not used inversely for the word 'balls' covers this application.

10. As a verb, to 'bollocks' or to be 'bollocksed' it to [flummox] or be [flummoxed]; confuse or be confused.

11. If a piece of machinery is [bollocksed], it is broken or rendered unusable either temporarily or permanently.

12. To be 'bollock-naked' it to be completely without clothing, save for a few relatively unimportant items such as socks, watch, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings or other body jewellery.

13. To be 'bollocksed' also means to have [imbibed] an amount of alcohol which has eliminated a dangerously high number of brain cells causing a lack of social and [spatial] awareness, incoherent speech and the inability to believe that you're not as drunk as you are, you're not as unattractive in that state as you are, and that you don't rule the world.
*1. {Having sent a saucy text message to your mum instead of your partner} "Bollocks!"

2019-12-12 12:05:15 UTC  

2. "I couldn't be arsed to go home, so I just stood there, scratching me bollocks."

3. "Don't listen to him, he just talks bollocks."

4. "Sorry, it's my boss, he's got us speaking this bollocks."

5. "I think any film with a cast of [unknowns] and a budget that won't cover your weekly shopping is bound to be bollocks." Also: "I know our friend was the lead character and everything, but that play was the biggest load of fat, [squidgy] bollocks I've ever had to sit through. Don't tell her I said that, though."

6. "That play was the [dog's bollocks], Sarah."

7. "Boy, did I drop a [bollock] this morning: Your mum had a [Rice Crispy] stuck to her face, so I tried to wipe it off; you never told me she had a wart."

8. "We had all the work done by two, so we all pissed off down the pub, but come Monday morning, we all got such a [bollocking]. Marketing had called eight times and that twat over there had forgotten to turn the answering machine on. Wanker."

9. "You honestly expect me to believe you're going to tell John what I did with his wife? You haven't got [the bollocks]."

10. "Two [Stellas], a Fosters, a Bacardi and Diet Coke and a Carling-top please. ...oh, make that half a Fosters - that's [bollocksed] you, hasn't it? Let's call it a tenner for cash, eh?"

11. "[The fax] stopped working earlier, so I jammed my pen into that little hole and now I think it's totally bollocksed."

12. "Well, the last thing I remember is walking down to the seafront and laying on the beach. Then, it's six in the morning, I'm stark bollock-naked except for my socks, watch, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other body jewellery, handcuffed to a tramp."

2019-12-12 12:05:15 UTC  

13. "Well, I was at work, right, and my computer totally bollocksed up, and I hadn't saved that bollocks I was working on, so I though, 'bollocks to this, I'm going down the pub'. I went with Jeff and Dave, who was really quiet, so when I got the beers in, I asked, like, 'who died?!' It turns out, his wife's on the way out, you know, so I'd really [dropped a bollock], but Dave said he was okay. He doesn't have the bollocks to say anything else; never has, but I knew Jeff would give me a right bollocking later on. We had a few pints and this dog's bollocks pie - we didn't get too bollocksed or anything, just a bit tipsy, you know. We went back into the office and my PC was up-and-running with that document intact, which bollocksed me a bit, but it's better than a [kick in the bollocks], I suppose. So, I went home, got in the shower and noticed a rash on my bollocks, [shit me up], that did. I came out to show Sam only to find Sam's mum sat there with a cup of tea, staring at me, bollock naked and dripping on the carpet. 'Bollocks,' I thought..."*
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2019-12-12 12:05:46 UTC  

-df pillock

2019-12-12 12:05:46 UTC  

**Pillock**: Noun for Idiot, fool. Originally a slang term for the penis but fairly inoffensive now its this meaning has been forgotten. [Derog]. [ref] [British Slang] Dictionary
*[You silly] [pillock], why did [you do that] for?*
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2019-12-12 12:05:57 UTC  

-df plonker

2019-12-12 12:05:58 UTC  

**plonker**: dope, idiot, moron, wally, [pillock], [dunderhead], [dimwit]
*[You are] [such a] plonker, [Rodney].*
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2019-12-12 12:06:10 UTC  

-df delboy

2019-12-12 12:06:10 UTC  

No result :(

2019-12-12 12:06:15 UTC  

-df geezer

2019-12-12 12:06:15 UTC  

**Geezer**: A geezer is a descriptive word in the UK which is used to define a mans characteristics. A geezer will be found usually out side a pub with a pint in his hand on match day. They commonly like football, scrapping, beer, tea, tits, and [Barry white]. [Geezers] often acknowledge other [geezers] by a greeting each other by saying geezer followed by a nod and a thumbs up.
*Nigel: Alright [geezer] how much is a can of [red stripe]
Charles: For you nothing my friend because your a top geezer
Nigel: arr Cheers [geeze] *nod* *thumbs up*

Charles: *nod* *thumbs up**
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2019-12-12 12:06:16 UTC  

-df del boy

2019-12-12 12:06:16 UTC  

**del boy**: Poor, ineffective [scam artist] or con-man. From the TV [sitcom], Only [Fools] and Horses.
*[Daves] a [proper] del boy.*
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2019-12-12 12:06:40 UTC  

Hope I'm having curry tonight

2019-12-12 12:06:53 UTC  

@angie!! what u having?

2019-12-12 12:07:00 UTC  


2019-12-12 12:07:35 UTC  

hi! @Pelth

2019-12-12 12:07:36 UTC  

Name is bond

2019-12-12 12:07:37 UTC  


2019-12-12 12:07:40 UTC  

James Bond

2019-12-12 12:07:47 UTC  

@angie!! are u poor

2019-12-12 12:07:50 UTC  


2019-12-12 12:07:55 UTC  

Prove it

2019-12-12 12:07:56 UTC  

@angie!! u can nearly have coke again soon

2019-12-12 12:08:08 UTC  

how tf do i prove it

2019-12-12 12:08:19 UTC  

Only a poor person would say that

2019-12-12 12:08:23 UTC  


2019-12-12 12:08:28 UTC  

@angie!! 1 more day to coke

2019-12-12 12:08:33 UTC  

frog shut before i make u my pet

2019-12-12 12:08:40 UTC  


2019-12-12 12:08:45 UTC  

I mean unless your are fasting or something

2019-12-12 12:08:55 UTC  

nah i just eat when i want to

2019-12-12 12:08:58 UTC  

not eating is usually a symptom of being broke

2019-12-12 12:09:00 UTC  
