Message from @SXTYNIEN
Discord ID: 506534866884755467
Probably Oblivion too, can't remember, I think that was a bit more clever with it's ending at least but you probably still ended up Emperor or something
@Crow you're not Emperor at the end of Oblivion. You're known for doing some remarkable stuff but you're still just dude mcaverage.
Its made very much a plot point that you arent emperor or high king in skyrim
You're a fucken dovekin or whatever tho
And yeah I remember Oblivion now, a plot point was saving/finding/rescuing the last of the Emperor's bloodline, last of the Septims
yea i screwed up both sides of that quest
how i wanted it to go was i killed the high emporor with the dark brother hood quest and take the crown and just be king
Stone Cold Brett Kavanaugh.