Message from @Kris
Discord ID: 506503964687335426
I want an elderscrolls game
that lets me murder everyone in charge.
"THere I solved ALL of the problems everyone has, all the dumb fucks that were in charge are dead, now everyone play nice and DONT MAKE ME COME BACK."
Isn't that basically the story of Skyrim? You murder everyone in charge and shout at some dragons until everyone plays nice?
Morrowind too come to think of it. You run around punching Scribs and blighted cliffrazors until you realize one of the five or so fundamentally broken skills has reached the tipping point, then you go stab some Dagoth-Ur cultists in the face, then you go stab God in the face, then you win.
Probably Oblivion too, can't remember, I think that was a bit more clever with it's ending at least but you probably still ended up Emperor or something
@Crow you're not Emperor at the end of Oblivion. You're known for doing some remarkable stuff but you're still just dude mcaverage.
Its made very much a plot point that you arent emperor or high king in skyrim
You're a fucken dovekin or whatever tho
And yeah I remember Oblivion now, a plot point was saving/finding/rescuing the last of the Emperor's bloodline, last of the Septims
yea i screwed up both sides of that quest
how i wanted it to go was i killed the high emporor with the dark brother hood quest and take the crown and just be king
Stone Cold Brett Kavanaugh.