Message from @Phalynx
Discord ID: 507227390154506240
haha thats not france
france has wayyy more violence
*Click* noice
its not a good costume if it has to say what it is :/
while I'm no expert on Spanish warfare, I've been thinking about for example police VS. protesters on an individualistic level.
On the whole, the protesters easily outnumber and outmatch the police, but any conflict is always happening between individuals. Any truly collectivist mob would overrun the police because it would be seen as better for the collective, even if a few hundred individuals end up getting their shit kicked in or even get killed, but things like that almost never happen, when you look at a demonstration on an individual level it's organized police vs. raving protesters and the individual protester can't comprehend (or doesn't *truly* believe?) in strength in numbers.
Or something
the year is 2024, Then United States of America is in complete civil war, numerus Para-Military and Rebel Groups are fighting for control over the now war raging states, alliance are struck, betrayals are made, but war is a constant. In this dark times two heroes rises above everyone else, to again unite the states of America in to a single independent coalition.
they are **Johnny "baby face" Cox**, and **Tim "Listen" Pool**
PG-13 viewers discretion is advised
Lemme smash
Thatโs not NPC of you
4chan actually handed the left the cards this time
That poll means shit lol
@Hiniku true
im sure we will see it brought up