Message from @JadenFrostwolf
Discord ID: 420325329911939073
looks like their form email is dead
no public email in the whois db
I assume it's like
but I'm not sure
I should just make my own handload site
one not stuck in the 1990's
with 2fa
and prostitutes
their mailserver doesn't seem to be working
oh; there it goes
Holy shit, The Onion on point. 😄
Managed to get it down to 66, apparently.
Thank you friend
spoils of war
lol is that sargon?
what, now the alt-right suddenly likes Sargon? lol
I think it's just supposed to be a funny picture. lol
Infowars comes out and says Sargod showing his true colors
Sargon's true colors are pretty simple: Fuck extremists, regardless of their affiliation.
yeah radical centerist
Question: where did the whole "millennials love avocado" thing come from? Cause I personally fucking hate avocado and am mildly disgusted to be associated with such a terrible food because of my age.
From the same direction as 'millenials are all whiny little extremeleft LARPers'
Same stuff you'll hear from the "millennials are lazy" crowd, despite them on average working harder but making less than the boomers did.
it grows well in california