Message from @ParanoiaPK

Discord ID: 663528579987931193

2020-01-05 23:42:26 UTC  

-df dirty vidalia

2020-01-05 23:42:26 UTC  

**dirty vidalia**: [Coat] your cock with [onion juice] [stick it in] her ass.
*I took her home last night and [tried] [the dirty] [vidalia]!*
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2020-01-05 23:42:30 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:42:33 UTC  

-define ethnic cleansing

2020-01-05 23:42:33 UTC  

**Ethnic Cleansing**: The act of mass murdering a race who you feel are [inferior] to you. See also [Genetic] [Cleansing]
*[Hitler] might tell you that his [concentration] [camps] were there for the purpose of Ethnic Cleansing.*
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2020-01-05 23:42:37 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:42:38 UTC  

***Onion Juice***

2020-01-05 23:42:39 UTC  

not that

2020-01-05 23:43:06 UTC  

-df 1488

2020-01-05 23:43:06 UTC  

**1488**: [14 words]: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Coined by David Lane.

[88] precepts: Good advice on the way white men should conduct themselves. Written by David Lane.
88 is also code for [Heil Hitler] in this instance (H is the 8th letter of the alphabet).
*Proud European man: "The answer to 1984 is 1488."

Noseberg [Shekelstein]: "Oy vey bad goy! You must have skipped your daily dose of mainstream media and porn! Don't you know having white children is racist, goy?!? There's only one race, the human race!

Proud European man: *grabs Shekelstein by his [big hook] nose* [Get in the oven], kike!*
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2020-01-05 23:43:12 UTC  

Ethnic Cleansing
The inevitable bout of flaming hot diarrhea that occurs after eating certain ethnic cuisines. Thai and Indian cuisines are notorious for this. After ethnic cleansing, the entire digestive system is vacant, or cleaned out.
Even though chicken vindaloo causes severe ethnic cleansing, I still order it occasionally.

2020-01-05 23:43:27 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:43:31 UTC  

-df The Alabama Hot Pocket

2020-01-05 23:43:32 UTC  

**Alabama hot pocket**: The word [your friends] told you to [search up] in [class]
*[Hey] [Luke], [look up] Alabama hot pocket*
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2020-01-05 23:43:36 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:43:44 UTC  

the art of seperating the vagina lips and taking a shat inside (and possibly having sex with it afterwards)

2020-01-05 23:44:29 UTC  

Has anyone ever done these?

2020-01-05 23:44:34 UTC  

-define flying camel

2020-01-05 23:44:34 UTC  

**Flying Camel**: As your gal is lying on her back and you are [hammering] her from your knees. You [very carefully] move forward and prop yourself (without using your arms) on your dick while it is still inserted in her vagina. You then proceed to flap your arms and let out a long shrieking howl much like a [flying camel]. Strictly a class move.
*"My girl had to go to the [girlie] doctor today, I think I [injured] her last night doing [the Flying Camel]. Ouch!"*
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2020-01-05 23:45:33 UTC  

i can tell ya who writes most of these

2020-01-05 23:45:41 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:45:58 UTC  

is being a virgin before marriage a bad thing

2020-01-05 23:46:02 UTC  

you damn libertarian

2020-01-05 23:46:04 UTC  

-df Fox hunt

2020-01-05 23:46:04 UTC  

**fox hunting**: "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable" ([Oscar Wilde]).

Some twats think that this is a "sport". In a sport you have two sides who engage in fair competition. Give [the fox] a fucking machine gun and a pack of supporters and it would be a "sport".

A crazed mob of rich rural toffs riding on horses while loudly blowing on large phalluses, the purpose of which is for a fox to be violently and painfully ripped to shreds by a pack of dogs after being chased to exhaustion.

In the event that the fox "wins" and goes to earth, the hunters, who are too fucking posh to [concede] defeat, send a dog down the [burrow] to kill it.

The "sport" was invented by rich landowners in the Middle Ages as a way to enforce their authority over small peasant proprietors, because it provided a good excuse for showing who's boss by [trespassing] loudly and intrusively on small farmers' property. A significant number of country dwellers oppose the "sport" because of its intrusiveness and destructiveness towards small farmers.

The Cunt ryside alliance is a campaign set up to defend fox hunting, but it is sold to its rural supporters as a general campaign to defend [the countryside]. As a result, Cunt ryside alliance demonstrations regularly include around 30% of marchers opposed [to fox] hunting.
*Fuck [hunt scum].

[Hunts] are for [cunts]!*
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2020-01-05 23:46:12 UTC  

I'm sure they have

2020-01-05 23:46:18 UTC  

If they've come up with- them

2020-01-05 23:46:53 UTC  

chill with definitions in general

2020-01-05 23:46:57 UTC  

we have bot commands for a reason

2020-01-05 23:47:04 UTC  

i have HIV

2020-01-05 23:47:13 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:47:19 UTC  

-8ball Is donald trump gonna end the world

2020-01-05 23:47:20 UTC  

GG @Tampio 7%, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-01-05 23:47:20 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:47:23 UTC  

Must run in the Shelby family

2020-01-05 23:47:30 UTC  

considering that you're from Brasil you probably also have toxoplasmosis

2020-01-05 23:47:34 UTC  

which make you more violent

2020-01-05 23:47:36 UTC  

and suicidal

2020-01-05 23:47:37 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:47:51 UTC  


2020-01-05 23:47:56 UTC  
