Tampio 7%

Discord ID: 312229489780457486

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2020-01-05 23:01:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  


Has iran attacked yet?

Why would they pussy out when they have Russia and China behind them

What about Iran ending nuclear deal commitments

So y'all think Iran's not gonna do anything after declaring the red flag of war

Trump's twitter feed is making it look like they're after ww3

Trump is fucking retarded

Anti-war candidate of 2016 election btw


You got bodied by a bot

The bot is just lying to make you feel better

Sorry bud

-8ball Are you lying

Saved <:PogU:605111295070437376>

Nobody wants to have a small cock


- Missiles being fired at US bases in Iraq

- Iranian cyber attack on US government website

17 inches holey moley

-8ball Does everyone have a big dick

-8ball Would you lie just to make someone feel better

-8ball Would you ever lie about someones penis lenght

-8ball does Trump have a big dick




-advice What should i do when i get drafted



-8ball Am i a member of the Ku Klux Klan


@Buffer Will you be attending the Klan kookout tomorrow

-define rape ring

-8ball Can i have the N-word pass

@valeriaa you don't have 1 either <:CmonBruh:427878563744579594>

Donald Trump

-define Jenkem

I know a guy irl who does it haha

Who writes these

-8ball is Buffer behind these Definitions

-8ball Did donald trump write these

Fucking donald trump

i knew he was crazy

-df 1488


Has anyone ever done these?

-8ball Is donald trump gonna end the world

-df toxoplasmosis

A flu?

Well, they did host the biggest funeral ever in Iran



Y'all are darksided

-df godwarrior

Wife swap

-8ball are the jews behind this ww3 thing

Why is holocaust denial illegal

Why is it illegal in Europe to deny the holocaust or investigate it?

so it's your step sister

whatcha doing step bro


But the Age of Consent in Japan is 13

@Katze Miaulitzer They don't exist

A fucking leaf ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

But canada still sucks in Hockey

Hockey is sleeper af

Y'all take it too seriously

I'm Finnish, hockey is the main sport of our country

All sports are fucking boring

The best sport would be Chess

but yes it is

hahah true



America is a fucked up country

But there is better too



White Nationalist andy

Meat is murder

Watermelon Genocide

Fucking towelheads

Scoliosis or kyphosis

-8ball Should black people be deported out of america

I didn't say it, it was @YAGPDB.xyz

Hebrew is a RNG language lol

It's usually the other way around @John Brook

Slave owner


who tf looks up little boy nipples <:Pedo:612725703049216020>

y'all darksided

<:DansGame:587026422065922049> <a:Clap:514884047130984458>

-df trump


Black people

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