Message from @RyeNorth
Discord ID: 434923043501113364
Y'know what, @Deleted User ? Any other day, I would've told you to fuck off.
Today? Yeah. Today's a bullshit day.
Did that actually happen, or is this another one of those faked/staged "hate crimes?"
~~There are charges filed~~
yeah some people are pretty loose with the definition of attacked, even with charges filed
I'm fake news anyway
maybe its a virtual teabagging in london underground simulator
Better call the bully hunters...
Unlike CNN I lie transparently
haha probably better off calling billy the anti-bully to deal with it, he's pretty honest in comparison with bullyhunters
~~strike through~~ my lies for transparency sake
Bullyhunters vs the Anti-Bully.
Sounds like a Death Battle episode.
name the bully
sorry, not hacking so don't know where ryecast is on the map to back stab him
Foiled again.
I'll get you next time, Ryecast.
Next time!
Edgy, m8
I'm bleeding.
Its okay though guys, those Syrians that got bombed were SJW's anyway
I have it on good authoritiy that before the bombing, they were busy doing one of those "screaming helplessly at the sky" Events
Wow, even Pewds is taking shots at this thing? lol
it was expected
I was gonna make a video on it, but it's already too late