Message from @BanksyStyle
Discord ID: 441030353755570176
Defenders of conceptual art say things like trying to "start conversations" etc, but the only conversation about that is "what the fuck is it doing in an art gallery?"
The whole he will not divide us has generated some great conversations
And some masterful weaponized autism.
Guy is a scottish game developer.
shit thats funny
what the fuck was going through her mind eh
especially the music (I'm assuming that's ISIS theme song?) did someone overlay that or the players played it though voice chat?
So this Discord exists. How did I never notice that?
the song is Salil Sawarim (Clashing of Swords)
and yeah I think it has been in some ISIS videos
That 'genre' is more commonly known as 'nasheed'
what the fuck
do you have any more of that?
Baizuo, noun.
A Chinese epithet meaning 'naive western educated person who advocates for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority'. A baizuo only cares about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism. The Chinese see the baizuo as ignorant and arrogant westerners who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours.
When translated into english: White Left
the kanjis are also the direct ones for _white_ and _left_ too
黑中 would be the opposite. Though what would be "Black Right"?
Thomas Sowell?
Just 1 guy?
Why not just put in the "Uncle Toms" there?
I didnt even know that was supposed to be derogatory actually. I thought it was a compliment to be honest.
I mean Uncle Toms
He's just an example for the kind of person that I'd think represents the opposite of baizuo Anyone confirm this?
Lincoln was a republican