Message from @Danky
Discord ID: 442880566040199168
Oh I'm fully aware.
Yet.. it was still greenlit and nobody throughout the *entire* process questioned it for *at least* the day it was up.
Similar thing happened with this little gem.
The original message was a shitpost photoshopped by someone as an insult towards one of the anti-gun organisations.
Which was then *unironically* uploaded on an official account and left up until people started getting super pissed about the implied message.
*Then* they said "oh wait, it was fake, our bad."
Wait wait wait.... So mom's deman action is pro rape?
I mean, it sounds like they want to remove guns from the hands of potential rape victims because, I mean, rape only lasts minutes. But death? I mean, not even rapists deserve to be shot
They're so rabidly anti-gun that they will support anything and anything that sounds good.
haha @Deleted User you'e a fagget
is it me
or is it every freeze frame of tim makes him look like he's high as shit
look at this
every frame
I was more distracted by the expensive looking camera on a trash can.
9 times out of 10, when I have to pause a Tim vid, I catch him mid-blink.
`We're onto you, Tim.`
It's all of those lemon-seltzers.
The bubbles go straight to his brain. 😄
`Or maybe the CBD is far more potent than he makes it out to be.`
big ups to Tim keeping off the booze
Oh yeah.
By the way, @Giant Energy Penis , Welcome to the server. I like the way you approach shit. Catching up on Newsroom.
Hey thanks.