Message from @Deadpool
Discord ID: 448241011102056458
i don't know much about genetic engineering humans but if it doesn't have many down sides i don't see whats wrong with the goverment giving the citizens better genetics.
I can come up with reasons that a foreigner would not be a better leader
of course "national" socialism will work, because you don't let anyone in... its not like every other socialism failed despite no one even wanting to go there...
im game for genetic engineering, i'd love to engineer my age away
but I'm OK with a foreigner leading if it's more democratic
I want first past the post to die
that's isn't how humans work.
It's the difference between dogs and ants, with humans being closer to dogs.
dogs will protect their pack because the pack benefits them. However, when it really comes down to it, self preservation takes priority (with rare exceptions, such as family). ants, however, will sacrifice life and limb for the collective.
society on the scale we have it is unstable, because we are selfish creatures trying to function in a collective. we've found a way to mediate this via capitalism, where people's selfish desires and pursuits often benefit others. hence capitalism's success and the failure of socialism
genetic engineering... read up on dog breeding and then come back to me...
funny thing is, socialist countries dont have to stop letting people in, people leave themselves to try and get into capitalist nations
I told you I don't want jewish socialism I want national socialism which is way different.
this is what I was asking for in the first place
What do you want to know?
ima bud out of this convo, i gotta catch some Z's, i gotta get up at 6:00 for an exam 😩
which is 6 hours from now..
gl m8
good night mate.
y'all have a good time discussing socialisms
what elements of "jewish socialism" would you not have?
believe me... you do not want national socialism because you would be one of the first to go down...
I think the goverment should have control of some major industries like electricity, gas and water. I think we need strong environment and labour regulations. I think State schooling should be a bigger thing becuase it prevents divisions and for the same reason I would have at least one year military conscription.
56% aussiearyan
How the f*** do people call this
just say fuck, pussy
Right wing?
it also prevents any evolution on those sectors
I don't see what there is different from regular socialism
aussie... nothing you said there has anything to do with national socialism
ZOG will get you if you don't say fuck
lol wtf
It's my phone I'll be saying f*** all them day if I we're typing.
Aussie please
Your phone censors fuck?
Give me about 10 minutes
what kind of fucked up shit is that
I know it's f****** idiotic.
communist countries also cracked down on degeneracy.
I disagree.
Authoritarians always eventually eat shit