Message from @Dennafen
Discord ID: 456686056478212108
Very interesting article this one
That guy who got fired does not sound so bad in that article imo
He doesn't to me either, but my approach to transgenderism is: We can't completely change a person's gender. If we can find a way to make a person comfortable in their own body before transition, try it. If it doesn't work, go for transition, but watch out if the person gets the "uncanny valley" effect with that person's own body.
Hi Tim 😃
as a transgender person myself, i actually find people who avocate for transitioning children to be very disturbing
they are kinda ruining the image of transgenderism, not to mention all the other problems weve had in the last 10 years
i think theres to much involvement of psychology in children in general
i mean beyond very frenge cases of children acting far far far beyond what we can manage in society i think psychology should stay away from them
its a developmental phase, weird unnatural ideas influincing that developmental phase is dangerous
another youtuber running for a government position
i like it
@ZetaBlues I think that needs to go into fake news.
I can't tell if it's parody or not
Can't be real; he didn't land on a porcupine
Can't be real. The crowd didn't applause.
fuckin brutal
i clicked that video hoping it was about wizards, not sure why im so neive early in the morning
and now you are wishing for brain bleach i imagine
I refuse to believe this, really.
Helen confirmed it, I'm trying to find the tweet
Remember what Sargon said. If he gets a hair on his head hurt, the state is gonna get it.
And it won't be just a bunch of hooligans either.
think about the crowds who have been out to support him. then it comes out he is injured or even killed. He would become a martyr. It would fuel those who are actually racist and increase pressure from people who don't even like him and think his current imprisonment is bullshit. It would probably be the single dumbest move a politician could make.
Let them fight