Message from @Eirene

Discord ID: 523343260723445760

2018-12-15 00:18:35 UTC  

Bioshock is another misrepresentation by a guy who obviously never read Ayn Rand

2018-12-15 00:21:05 UTC  

In fact it's arguable that some of the best storytelling Bethesda does is environmental... Where you're left to suss out the story, yourself...

2018-12-15 00:21:40 UTC  

Like the story of Taffington Boathouse in Fallout 4

2018-12-15 00:25:24 UTC  


2018-12-15 00:25:26 UTC  

76 was basically an experiment to make an environmentally told story game.... But normie gamers don't get or subscribe to that shit, especially when stripping away all the other facades exposes the broken, rusty, and screechingbanimatronics behind the Country Bears

2018-12-15 00:25:40 UTC  

i like consequences to my actions

2018-12-15 00:25:50 UTC  

being able to ruin an ending by doing somehting

2018-12-15 00:26:08 UTC  

not being hearded along a path that no matter what you do, it will end tat way

2018-12-15 00:26:12 UTC  

Then you wanna play Morrowind.

2018-12-15 00:27:54 UTC  

I am going to make soup of of my pork shoulder bones, cya later nerd

2018-12-15 00:28:12 UTC  

Walk into a random tomb... Guy attacks you, you kill him... *YOUR ACTIONS HAVE DOOMED THE WORLD* message pops up

2018-12-15 00:43:53 UTC  

Lol ๐Ÿ˜†

2018-12-15 00:44:09 UTC  

Good find @DrYuriMom

2018-12-15 01:05:29 UTC  

I'm still not happy. It's the cuck golem who is the decent Brexiteer.

2018-12-15 02:29:50 UTC  

@DrYuriMom pretty blue pilled my dude. only a fool would think teressa may wants brexit and that her enemys are remainers. teressa may betrayed the british people by oppertuniticly jumping onto the brexit campaign when it appeared to be successful in order to rise to power by taking the anti-brexit tory party and merging it with the pro brexit sentament then from that position being elected prime minister has been intentionally undermining the brexit campaign knowing that there will never be a strong resistance to her in labor due to the remainer baggage that party brought in in order to try and partisan themselves against tory during the referendum. this has basicly allowed her to maintain a government in limbo in a surprisingly lucky long term gambit to maintain power between both partys for european sympathy and use brexit as a mask for any policy the may parlament makes when that policy negitively effects the british people, blaming it on the referendum. the long term goal being to twist the general publics perception of how politics are working in the uk long enough while also putting negitive pressures on them so that she can successfuly undo brexit with minimum backlash and then make a pariah out of the pro brexit nationalist factions of uk ideology. she can use this antisympathy for brexiters to offset the extreme pains that the unbrexit future of the uk will suffer maintaining her power structure, distracting the far left and center, and if it gets bad enough wage a civil war of predudice against "nazis" with a public that believe they are the root of all their problems

2018-12-15 02:30:10 UTC  

but hey atleast its funny to see a man in a dress talk weird

2018-12-15 02:46:48 UTC

2018-12-15 03:16:26 UTC

2018-12-15 03:34:48 UTC  

that was a good episode

2018-12-15 03:39:16 UTC  

G1 Star Trek had some good quotes

2018-12-15 03:44:51 UTC  

Hear me! Hear this! Among my people, we carry many such words as this from many lands, many worlds. Many are equally good and are as well respected, but wherever we have gone, no words have said this thing of importance in quite this way. Look at these three words written larger than the rest, with a special pride never written before or since. Tall words proudly saying We the People. That which you call Eeโ€™d Plebnista was not written for the chiefs or the kings or the warriors or the rich and powerful, but for all the people! Down the centuries, you have slurred the meaning of the words, โ€˜We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.โ€™ These words and the words that follow were not written only for the Yangs, but for the Kohms as well!

2018-12-15 03:46:09 UTC

2018-12-15 03:48:05 UTC

2018-12-15 03:50:55 UTC  

is it weird that we are more civilized than <#463054787336732683> ?

2018-12-15 03:53:16 UTC  

i dont mind the witchcraft, capitalism, and lesbians so much, the feminism though i could do without

2018-12-15 03:56:17 UTC  

yeah pretty much

2018-12-15 03:56:28 UTC  


2018-12-15 03:58:24 UTC

2018-12-15 04:13:31 UTC  

Shitposting is the thinking man's channel

2018-12-15 04:19:24 UTC

2018-12-15 04:23:02 UTC

2018-12-15 04:30:29 UTC

2018-12-15 04:34:33 UTC  

need a screensaver?

2018-12-15 05:00:31 UTC  

Falco a gehy burb

2018-12-15 05:00:57 UTC  


2018-12-15 05:01:00 UTC  

the frog is gay

2018-12-15 05:01:06 UTC  

alex jones said so

2018-12-15 05:01:16 UTC  

you had the perfect opportunity @MrsDangerMachine

2018-12-15 05:06:26 UTC  
