Message from @pratel

Discord ID: 484783786689691658

2018-08-30 08:43:24 UTC  

More to the point, the right is learning the power and influence of things like targeted, organized harassment actions (such as the boycotts on Hannity, Limbaugh, Breitbart or Ingraham). Much as the left went and formed The Center for American Progress and MSNBC in response to the successes of the right leaning organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute or CATO institute and Talk Radio in the 80s and 90s, the right is attempting to form it's own version of various left leaning culture war organizations.

I can say that just a couple years ago I thought there was no greater waste of time and resources than organized street protests. I also tended to feel that personally ignoring big culture war fights was the better long-term strategy. After seeing the left wage the culture war and the vast and sudden changes around 2013-2015 followed by the un-personing, violence and career harassment by the left after 2016, I've completely changed my tune. Organized protest is a show of force and solidarity. It's building commitment for the participants while promoting a culture and *forcing* a voice to be made. It's also organization practice for more significant campaigns. I strongly suspect the strongest "right-leaning solidarity" occurs in places like Seattle and Silicon Valley where they are the least powerful. And a lot of that is learning from the left, particularly the more extreme elements.

2018-08-30 09:53:03 UTC  

Collectivism is a cancer that needs to be removed before it kills the host.

2018-08-30 11:13:56 UTC  

The right trying to beat the control left by becoming the control left isn't a solution.

2018-08-30 17:47:30 UTC  

(Opinion) I don't know if that's entirely the case. I still feel like the Right (Of which I'm only somewhat a part of) are still far more likely to support quietly as opposed to protest loudly. The Left, by and large, has a much bigger introspective focus on what they aren't. It's part of the reason the Left is seemingly so disjointed in what they support. They're not Pro-Islam, they're anti-islamophobia. They're not Pro-gay, they're anti-homophobia. They're not Pro-Hispanic or Pro-Black, they're anti-racist. They're not pro-woman, they're anti-misogynist. As such, they're far more likely to act out on emotional triggers, as opposed to reasoned and principled argument.

2018-08-30 17:49:45 UTC  

I believe that individuals like Mike Cernovich have aptly acknowledged that, and aim to use it against them to highlight the problems that world view creates. And while I think it's okay that he's doing that, I don't think it's something that appeals to the everyday conservative libertarian.

2018-08-30 17:50:39 UTC  

This isn't to say that the Right is all high-minded or principle-driven

2018-08-30 17:50:55 UTC  

Some most definitely are

2018-08-30 17:51:57 UTC  

But I do think that it's generally a trait of a worldview based on tradition that you know what you are and what you believe - even if you don't have an explanation for it. And that's one of the key differences I see.

2018-08-30 17:54:16 UTC  

It doesn't have to be the whole right. I believe the parts of the right that live in places where they are the majority or don't really follow politics are still very mild-mannered and quiet. I would say a significant fraction is changing though which is all you need for hardcore activism.

2018-08-30 17:54:34 UTC  

One of the key things I see in terms of protest is that the 'buycott' is far more likely than a protest.

2018-08-30 17:54:54 UTC  

I also thing it's changed most in places like the west coast where they are a harassed minority.

2018-08-30 17:54:58 UTC  

That is, if a restaurant or something is being protested by the left for some dumb-as-fuck reason

2018-08-30 17:55:27 UTC  

Conservatives will come from HOURS away to reinforce.

2018-08-30 17:55:40 UTC  

Provided they don't back down.

2018-08-30 17:55:55 UTC  

That's what I think the argument is.

2018-08-30 17:56:09 UTC  

Is the right unifying and starting to take collective actions.

2018-08-30 17:56:25 UTC  

Most of them seem to be reparative.

2018-08-30 17:56:37 UTC  

The precise tactics may vary, but that is the question.

2018-08-30 17:57:08 UTC  

I think the style also changes dramatically if you are in a place where you're a harassed minority and if you're in a silent majority.

2018-08-30 17:57:31 UTC  

In generally, we'll abandon groups that resort to hard violence, something the left won't do as long as those groups represent opposition to something they don't like.

2018-08-30 17:57:41 UTC  


2018-08-30 17:57:55 UTC  

It's what we are that is far more important than what we're opposed to.

2018-08-30 17:58:09 UTC  

Atleast for now.

2018-08-30 17:58:23 UTC  

I think if the left turns the country into California, things might change.

2018-08-30 17:58:37 UTC  

Which is why Patriot Prayer and The Proud Boys seem most active along the west coast.

2018-08-30 17:59:12 UTC  

I do still support them. I haven't seen them turn to violence for the sake of it.

2018-08-30 17:59:19 UTC  

Whether they are accepted by the mainstream right in those locales is a question I can't answer. But I don't think it's a coincidence they operate in what is one of the most left-dominated corridors of the country.

2018-08-30 17:59:43 UTC  

I'll burn all alt-right connections, though.

2018-08-30 17:59:57 UTC  

I can't support ethnic nationalism.

2018-08-30 18:00:19 UTC  


2018-08-30 18:00:35 UTC  

But I do think that if you push and push and push, people start getting more desperate.

2018-08-30 18:00:51 UTC  

That doesn't make us violent, though

2018-08-30 18:01:10 UTC  

If that makes sense.

2018-08-30 18:01:26 UTC  

I think you're fixating a bit to much on targeted violence.

2018-08-30 18:01:39 UTC  

I think the original point was about organized campaigns.

2018-08-30 18:01:47 UTC  

Which may or may not be violent.

2018-08-30 18:02:00 UTC  

I haven't seen very many that weren't generally to troll.

2018-08-30 18:02:36 UTC  

I'd need to see some to hypothesize what it all means.

2018-08-30 18:06:14 UTC  

Boycott campaigns? Showing up to a protest march fully expecting Antifa will start a fight (and getting into said fight)? Public Graffiti?

2018-08-30 18:06:42 UTC  

This is "nonviolent" stuff the left will do all the time. And the right seems like it might be picking up on it.

2018-08-30 18:09:17 UTC  

I can't think of any solid boycott campaigns that weren't counter-boycotts. It's been shown time and time again, if you hold any meeting, rally, or bar meet-up, you're likely to get a violent response from Antifa. Again, it's a response and not an initiation. Could use some examples of the Public Graffiti, though. I haven't seen that one.