Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 506926087129792534

2018-10-30 19:41:24 UTC  

and how is being in awe of humans have not eradicated ourselves by now cynicism? that is probably the biggest validation of hope in humanity that their could be, tbh. If you need one.

2018-10-30 19:41:51 UTC  

alternatively you could go the other route and demonstrate how we can replace demolition charges with arbitrary office fires to cut demolition costs

2018-10-30 19:46:11 UTC  

i do have a middle ground theory that since building 7 housed the cia, it could be like a security procedure to demolish the building to destroy sensitive info in case your country is under attack
but maybe it's a stupid idea since i've never heard anyone else suggest it

2018-10-30 19:46:41 UTC  

that would be interesting

2018-10-30 19:46:44 UTC  


2018-10-30 19:47:54 UTC  

there was a black dude who was inside it but survived the collapse, i think he said he heard explosions from the basement
he died mysteriously shortly after starting to go public

2018-10-30 19:48:22 UTC  

barry jennings

2018-10-30 19:49:05 UTC  

did the Clinton's kill him? always fun to add the clintons to stories of government killings

2018-10-30 19:50:57 UTC  

some PI was hired to investigate his death, but he got scared and quit

2018-10-30 19:52:13 UTC  

yeah, my memory is foggy, but i think he called his client back and said dont ever call me again

2018-10-30 19:52:15 UTC  

gonna investigate that, you need the KGB at your back....but they you have the KGB at your back

2018-10-30 19:53:18 UTC  

yeah for a while i thought we would find something

2018-10-30 19:53:46 UTC  

barry? heart attack i think

2018-10-30 19:54:36 UTC  

with multiple stab wounds to the back like that one guy who committed suicide?

2018-10-30 19:55:05 UTC  

Put 5 rounds in the back of his own head Clinton style.

2018-10-30 19:55:10 UTC  

im not sure what info about his death is available

2018-10-30 19:59:57 UTC  
2018-10-30 20:14:40 UTC  

probably mostly a concern if you're either an original source, or have a large following
and before they are desperate enough to kill you they first do media smearing, threats, gangstalking, and corrupt legal action

2018-10-30 20:16:23 UTC  

i think they used to just plant drugs in your apartment, but the new trend is charging you with sex crimes instead

2018-10-30 20:23:17 UTC  

wonder what would happen if you used a political rival to the main stream with some power to investigate it

2018-10-30 21:21:17 UTC  

Looking at the discussion above I have to again ask is there a place between communism and pure capitalism where it might be rational to land? I keep coming back to health care and the now growing opinion of the US electorate that they have a "right" to standard-of-care (best available) treatment for their heart attack, stroke, or cancer. I deal with this all the time at work. No one wants to be allowed to pass even when they have a low likelihood of survival with additional (expensive) treatment. How will people take to being told their husband would have an 80% chance of complete recovery but you don't have $50,000 and therefore we're going to let him die? Currently we have government mechanism to prevent that scenario - Medicaid, the ACA, etc. If we go 100% "personal responsibility" I would assume these mechanisms would be sunsetted?

2018-10-30 21:22:27 UTC  

If you can't pay you either get sub-par treatment and/or you die?

2018-10-30 21:24:54 UTC  

I personally am a free market liberalist, but like one of my personal heroes, Winston Churchill, there seem to be sectors of the economy where a little collective responsibility seems more palatable in an industrial or post-industrial culture.

2018-10-30 21:25:43 UTC  

The question whose answer I'm still not sure of, and neither was Winnie, is how much and in what form?

2018-10-30 21:27:39 UTC  

Short answer yes.

2018-10-30 21:29:31 UTC  

I firmly believe you can have a a capitalistic free market encompassing tax funded single payer health care system without overtaxing the population.

2018-10-30 21:31:55 UTC  

But we see nations with a mixed system of government and private financing doing a better job on much less. Japan has the highest life expectancy and lowest infant mortality in the world and yet they spend 2/3 on health care as the US. Germany has some similar stats.

2018-10-30 21:32:45 UTC  

So V, you support something like the ACA which provides for universal coverage?

2018-10-30 21:33:18 UTC  

I mean per capita

2018-10-30 21:33:43 UTC  

You spoke of insurance, though.

2018-10-30 21:33:59 UTC  

Yes, it is.

2018-10-30 21:34:19 UTC  

With subsidies to assist those of lesser means to obtain it.

2018-10-30 21:34:26 UTC  

I'll just say, population will make it cheaper. Economies of scale.

2018-10-30 21:34:35 UTC  

The ACA is based on a Republican model.

2018-10-30 21:35:19 UTC  

But we're bigger than Japan and German but spend half again per capita for worse results

2018-10-30 21:36:36 UTC  

The ACA provides for people to spend no more than 10% of their income on an actuarial basis on health care up to a certain point. the biggest flaw of the ACA was that the point chosen was not high enough.

2018-10-30 21:38:05 UTC  

Japan = 2 deaths per 1000 live births

2018-10-30 21:38:32 UTC  

US - 5.87 infant deaths per 1000 live births