Message from @tritrium
Discord ID: 507265955684941836
its their property
So would it be fair to say that you are leaning towards a utopian libertarian free market worldview?
I guess
im a Laissez-faire capitalist
I mean ive grown more libertarian the more authoritarian the EU n shit is getting
Well im fine with most of that
Im just seeing a problem in that what we got isnt capitalist at all
thats the result of collectivism
Most of that is indeed result of government interference, if not all
well im talking about philisophy
Yea i know, im talking about practical reality of today.
We dont need regulations on social media, styx is what i think needs to be done, an internet bill of rights
internet bill of rights is just property rights
Not exactly
ISP's cant cut you off because they dont like what you say using their service
i dont know what ur lulling about
@tritrium how you still wanna violate property rights
You are arguing from an utopian position
regulating the internet just makes thing worse even if we did it now
which is wrong
but imposing more regulation wont help
Well i cant really argue against that
Ok what do you think is gonna happen and/or needs to be done if anything
im presuming you think nothing needs to be done
```Government's purpose is to protect private property```
Its purpose is to protect the private people, not (just) their property.
Life, liberty and proerty.
Your body is your property
...wich is why the Gouvernment should protect the people from evil organizations such as Facebook or Twitter.
In what way should they be protected?
Not what they meant by property.
I'm the one whose statement is being questioned
and should uphold the freedom of the Market and suppress anti-competitive behavior from companys that can afford it - for example Geforce Partner Programme....
So it doesn't matter what someone else meant
How is the market free if the government tells companies how to run? How is free, contractual decision making anti competitive?
Yes it does, if you're not using the same definitions an argument is just two people yelling into the void.
There are multiple contexts for property, beyond "life liberty and property"
How's the Market free when one Company can blackmail their partners to not use the competition with for example Gaming Names??
Self ownership is the cornerstone of all other rights, I would argue