Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 543981841569415168

2019-02-10 02:20:00 UTC  

"The pendulum will swing back"

2019-02-10 02:20:53 UTC  

Pushing back is difficult for most people because the instiutions are left dominated

2019-02-10 02:20:59 UTC  

or at least they appear that way

2019-02-10 02:22:23 UTC  

Theres also the worry of turning into that which they despise and fear

2019-02-10 02:22:57 UTC  

A collectvist mob which survives on outrage and lashes out against any aggression, real or percieved

2019-02-10 02:24:46 UTC  

As bad as it seems, was this really worse than the Red Scare was for the communists? The 60s came pretty quickly afterwards. And it's not like the Communists just took it laying down.

A year ago I would have said "it's not that bad." Now I'm not so sure.

But I can say if everyone sits on their hands and keeps playing the "we're better than them game" you'll find yourself crushed beneath an authoritarian boot. Quite possibly for the remainder of your natural life.

2019-02-10 02:25:06 UTC  

```A collectvist mob which survives on outrage and lashes out against any aggression, real or percieved```

Atleast, As I got shot, I made sure to fight fair.

2019-02-10 02:25:18 UTC  

yea could you imagine protests like the yellow vests going on in washington DC? I can't. I feel like that is what we need

2019-02-10 02:25:42 UTC  

but we have just enough dollar menu's to justify the shit we have to take lol

2019-02-10 02:25:47 UTC  

No, what we need is something closer to what the Communists did. A way to play defense and enable our people *already in these organizations*

2019-02-10 02:26:03 UTC  

Here is the problem, how do you fight back without becoming indistinguishable from the opposition?

2019-02-10 02:26:04 UTC  


2019-02-10 02:26:19 UTC  

And most of all, a shift in the culture to be more expressive and more able and willing to fight.

2019-02-10 02:26:33 UTC  

No more of these "go woke go broke" excuses.

2019-02-10 02:26:41 UTC  

The communists created the problems we have today by the tactics they used to survive and they had the benefit of their opponents reaching too far too quickly

2019-02-10 02:27:24 UTC  

So? Perfection is the enemy of good enough.

2019-02-10 02:28:10 UTC  

Once again, how do we fight without becoming them?

2019-02-10 02:28:41 UTC  

How to fight against SJWs without becoming an Anti-SJW, which is the mirror image?

2019-02-10 02:28:51 UTC  

find a cause that everyone on both sides can rally against

2019-02-10 02:29:12 UTC  

What good is being the same as the opposition but in a different color hat?

2019-02-10 02:29:37 UTC  

That doesn't solve anything, it just shifts the problem into a new color range

2019-02-10 02:29:43 UTC  

That's a false equivalence entirely.

2019-02-10 02:29:58 UTC  

For one thing, our side is much more ideologically diverse and much more likely to fragment as it goes too far.

2019-02-10 02:30:09 UTC  

You are trying to fight collectivist which is a near default state of humans.

2019-02-10 02:30:25 UTC  

We are tribal by nature.

2019-02-10 02:30:28 UTC  

Plus, we're arguing for the ability to dissent in the future, not just crush all other factions.

2019-02-10 02:30:57 UTC  

Which is why we need a new approach to the organization and fighting

2019-02-10 02:31:18 UTC  

And, I mean, Anti-SJWs are a problem, but the longer they stay completely isolated, the more extreme and difficult they become. And the easier time the SJWs have in punishing everyone else.

2019-02-10 02:32:15 UTC  

SJW is way to loaded of a term, I try not to use it , but I get what you are saying

2019-02-10 02:32:50 UTC  

It's perfect for the sjw to Anti-SJW comparison.

2019-02-10 02:33:25 UTC  

One sees racism/sexism everywhere, the other sees the progressive/feminist adjenda everywhere

2019-02-10 02:33:32 UTC  

But this is besides the point

2019-02-10 02:33:41 UTC  

and using that term only emboldens that grenade

2019-02-10 02:34:12 UTC  

Which there is no way around

2019-02-10 02:34:26 UTC  

This is a red herring, the question is what to do.

2019-02-10 02:34:33 UTC  


2019-02-10 02:35:04 UTC  

Well what the communists did was go underground, scapegoat others and install themselves in positions where they could alter public perception/thoughts/opinions

2019-02-10 02:35:16 UTC  

Media, Education, Academia, etc

2019-02-10 02:35:18 UTC  

Indeed. And how to do it without setting a precedent for more government control of private interactions

2019-02-10 02:35:36 UTC  

I think you're chasing way too much purity Grenade.

2019-02-10 02:35:48 UTC  

Plus, you're too skeptical of these things.