Message from @Yuukimaru

Discord ID: 548117429448867862

2019-02-21 02:44:31 UTC  

It's very difficult to judge in a totally unbiased manner since this is such a unique situation and there's no legal precedent.

2019-02-21 02:48:43 UTC  

I have my doubts the supreme court will consider his national emergency unconstitutional. There's too much info to back him up. Even if it's not a major emergency, one could easily consider the amount of illegal immigration and the harm it's doing an emergency, and then there's not a constitutional statute being broken by him having a slightly skewed opinion of the situation. He's still acting to prevent harm to the nation, which is within his duties as president. It'll likely get a 5 to 4 vote in his favor.

2019-02-21 02:50:44 UTC  

it is possible it could just scrape by...
main thing im concerned about is what it could mean for him if it does get blocked and he loses the wall

2019-02-21 02:52:00 UTC  

beyond not getting the wall, which is already an awful thing, it would certainly hurt his chances in 2020

2019-02-21 02:52:32 UTC  

I don't want President Harris

2019-02-21 02:55:40 UTC  

Heheh, I wouldn't be too worried. If the supreme court strikes this down, the information can be easily be spun to keep supporters. He might even insist that media manipulation influenced the supreme court decision, or something like that, then further encourage people in the election that voting for him is the only way to make sure the wall gets built.

Of course, life will go on regardless. Whatever will happen will happen.

2019-02-21 02:58:06 UTC  

I guess so.

2019-02-21 03:01:01 UTC  

**But Don't Take My Word For It**

2019-02-21 03:14:34 UTC  


2019-02-21 03:25:50 UTC  

the bill he just passed actual counters his own national emergency

2019-02-21 03:28:52 UTC  


2019-02-21 03:36:49 UTC  

id have to look up what the spending bill means for border security, but it defeats the national emergency since it open ups the border and makes it harder to set the wall.

2019-02-21 03:38:16 UTC  

essentially, its an admission that its not an emergency.

2019-02-21 03:50:30 UTC  


2019-02-21 04:07:07 UTC  

Its gonna be used againts him in court. It might not kill the national emergency but itll still obstruct it even if the national emergency passes

2019-02-21 09:56:20 UTC  

imagine debate is a game
what would be the rules both sides should agree on
and how are you winning?

2019-02-21 10:39:36 UTC  

Old duelling rules

2019-02-21 10:40:09 UTC  

The one that survives is the winner

2019-02-21 12:22:58 UTC  

Debate is not a game.
One could build a game around a debate, but debate is just exchange of words in particular format

The game around it is usually to have predetermined group of people cast votes, and whoever gets more votes wins.
This game is usually dumb and pointless, since most people don't change opinion trough debate; And winner is determined by pre-existing opinions of voting group.

2019-02-21 12:55:00 UTC  

Am I the only one who thinks Shamima Begum (ISIS bride who wants to come back to the UK) should be given another chance now that she's an adult (she left at 15), and should be let back in? I think she should do time in prison here, for sure, and have to accept being tagged and monitored. She could even be a useful source of info to intelligence services, given time, but this seems to be a massively unpopular opinion outside of the far-left

2019-02-21 13:17:00 UTC  

Part of me wants to forgive and believe she's genuine, but I'm pretty sure joining a known terrorist organization acting against your own nation is treason...

2019-02-21 15:48:36 UTC  

@IsKillingClonesIllegal? it is natural to want to protect others. However sometimes the greatest protection you can give is tough love. If she gets allowed in, it continues to perpetuate the immensely dangerous standard that removes responsibility from people's actions and thus things will get worse and more people will be hurt in far greater ways.

2019-02-21 15:52:38 UTC  

@Joe_Limon I'm not saying we welcome her back, no harm no foul, I'm saying I think she should be allowed to come back, with *severe* conditions imposed, i.e. a spell in prison, restricted movement and association when she's out. She may well have useful information if nothing else.

2019-02-21 15:53:35 UTC  

To what gain? She will be freer if she stays abroad.

2019-02-21 16:00:25 UTC  

One cannot join a rouge and murderous terrorist state, however temporary, that has pledged to wreak havoc upon your state of birth and expect to be let back in once that state has failed.

2019-02-21 16:00:56 UTC  

It sets a dangerous precedent.

2019-02-21 16:05:26 UTC  

```Am I the only one who thinks Shamima Begum (ISIS bride who wants to come back to the UK) should be given another chance now that she's an adult (she left at 15),```
Yes, you are the only one. IMO all Sunni Muslims and the Pakistani Sect should be thrown out of all western Countrys....

2019-02-21 16:06:34 UTC  

If you are groomed to make babys for Jihad, you done goofed, no second chance for you. That's some serious shit.
And her Parents should be thrown out as well - or stand trial for Terrorism.

2019-02-21 16:07:29 UTC  

Because of Islam the Pakistani people raped little british girls.

2019-02-21 21:48:10 UTC  

there's also the fact that, at least the american icon of this group Hoda? She outright admitted to not having any remorse when she witnessed ISIS beheadings and her idea of a suitable punishment for her TREASON (if she counts as treasonous, since she was born to diplomats and thus doesn't have birthright citizenship) was "therapy sessions"

2019-02-21 21:50:22 UTC  

I'd bet Shimima is the same. A religiously tainted sociopath who just wants to use the western nations as a safe place to raise her children and then those children will almost certainly rape or seek to make the western nations like the middle east. That's the ISSUE with Fundamentalist Islam. It is virulently extremist. They still want Sharia Law over there!

2019-02-21 22:48:17 UTC  

Why would someone who accepts beheadings think treason should be dealt with therapy sessions?

2019-02-21 23:02:41 UTC  

Because they did it, duh.