Message from @Gaston Chambers
Discord ID: 401435534154661892
Well you heard there was an article about the pussy hat movement being sexist to women with penises right?
Almost that they are only focussing on self survival as an identity at the cost of everything else.
I did hear that @Gaston Chambers.
Shadow warrior said this
no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.
I nearly had a stroke reading it
Eh, I wanted to make a comment, but I think it constitutes hate speech, so I'll drop the comment there.
No such thing in the us
It’s amazing they survive as a movement because they should have torn themselves apart by now.
I have p[roudly shitposted the UK and other such police precients social media
I will say it if you cant =p
And if they come, I got a whole box of green tea i can toss in a river.
They survive becuase of social pressures I think
And well, coopting other movements
They did it with political movements and hobby communities
The fact comrade sanders let BLM hijack his speech is proof that things were tail spinning
oh do not get me started on the heresy they try to push into the imperium of man
There are entire factions of women whom are so faithful and strong of conviction they can deflect cannon balls with their minds
there is a living saint that flies on angelic wings and SHE is the single most insane unit in the game at times
That would be heresy
There is but one diety and it is the Emperor of man, venerate him for he is loyalty made perfection
Sadly yes.
SJWs used to go by unnoticed by claiming to be for "people being decent" but over the past two years they ran into a very hard line and now they have pretty open opposition which is getting stronger
which i would imagine is why they are starting to eat their own at higher rates
I used to hate the right for fucking with games and memes.
I remember at the game store i went to we had some sjws from the local uni show up
Now I hate the left for doing it, and so much cringier.
We litterally called them heretics and told them to get the fuck out
End of story I hope
Sadly no
To be purged with holy promethium
a few incidents later yes.
Too much to ask for a happy ending.
That is the fate of the heretic
Oh no
one of them was stupid enough to swing at someone whom told them to take their touchy feely shit elsewhere
guy was a 70 year old vet and owner of the store
this is why i always registered independent. the right used to seem just like greedy science hating holy rollers with some decent people, but i saw the potential and corruption hiding in the left. never like either side