Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 460927965556113431

2018-06-25 21:56:36 UTC  

the right doent have the military

2018-06-25 21:56:45 UTC  

im talking about regressives getting into government

2018-06-25 21:56:51 UTC  

DSA people

2018-06-25 21:56:58 UTC  

in 10-15 years regressive could have the military

2018-06-25 21:58:16 UTC  

You mean by controlling the government or by having a majority in it?

2018-06-25 21:58:17 UTC  

Even if someone is in government they don't really control the military unless the military holds the same ideals. For the most part the military is nationalistic, protects the constitution, and are right wing. Leftists hate the military so chances are they don't join.

2018-06-25 21:58:21 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 Think about it the first amendment stops the goverment censoring people so if twitter was run by the goverment then they couldn't legally censor you.

2018-06-25 21:59:01 UTC  

they would need the majority of people to not see through it all... without the people they got nothing

2018-06-25 21:59:12 UTC  

unless they use extreme force straight away

2018-06-25 21:59:27 UTC  

If the military sees that people in government are going against the constitution past the point of no return I believe they would intervene.

2018-06-25 21:59:59 UTC  

And even if they don't right wingers still own most of the guns.

2018-06-25 22:00:21 UTC  

I had an interesting conversation with my aunt yesterday.. shes from the UK but decided to live in teh USSR in 1989 for about 2 years...

2018-06-25 22:00:37 UTC  

@Deleted User Regardless, the american government wont nationalize anything, it would set a dangerous precedent

2018-06-25 22:00:53 UTC  

she said most of the shops were basically empty shelves, so she would stock up for winter on things like rice etc...

2018-06-25 22:01:17 UTC  

CreativeRealms I believe they would probably do what the Commander in Chief tells them to. 😃

2018-06-25 22:01:40 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 Having goverment run media isn't a bad thing it just depends on who is in the goverment.

2018-06-25 22:01:48 UTC  

but although she knew in the back of her mind it was sort of a worry that she might starve to death or might not be able to escape and get back to england... mainly in her day to day it would be trivial things that she would worry about

2018-06-25 22:01:58 UTC  

Exactly, id rather put my faith in individuals than the government

2018-06-25 22:02:39 UTC  

The mass media isn't a individual it's a organization.

2018-06-25 22:02:57 UTC  

Wacka im sure youve heard the story about Yestlin's visit to the US

2018-06-25 22:03:10 UTC  

It's made up of individuals but it's still a organization.

2018-06-25 22:03:34 UTC  

How he wanted to visit a supermarket but insisted on picking one at random because he thought the US would intentionally stock it to give the apperance of prosperity

2018-06-25 22:03:54 UTC  

I think she said it was gorbachov in charge when she was there... could be wrong on that

2018-06-25 22:04:54 UTC  

but it was just interesting that she was more worried about trivial things like... watering plants and things than the likely possibility of starving to death

2018-06-25 22:05:06 UTC  

The Soviet Union only did well when they started to libarlize the economy from a planned economy to a mixed economy.

2018-06-25 22:06:25 UTC  

yeah she came back towards the end of the USSR so she sort of got to see a little change.. I guess it was probably even worse before she went

2018-06-25 22:09:42 UTC  

Yes you are right, gorb was in charge but yelstin was still in government

2018-06-25 22:11:47 UTC  

capitalism isn't the answer to everything

2018-06-25 22:11:51 UTC  

but its' the best thing we have

2018-06-25 22:12:06 UTC  

where a human's natural selfishness can benefit others

2018-06-25 22:12:11 UTC  

because not everyone can do it alone

2018-06-25 22:12:27 UTC  

so capitalism is the purist form of tit-for-tat

2018-06-25 22:12:55 UTC  

With regards to the history of the Soviet economy at frist it was mostly between free enterprise in the country and full on planned economy. The free enterprise period lasted untill 1926 when the Soviet Union reached pre-war levels of output so then they went full on planned economy which did help industrialize the place but after that the economy grow so quickly that it couldn't be managed any more so it fell apart.

2018-06-25 22:12:59 UTC  

Capitalism isn't the answer to everything?

No wonder Jeopardy didn't call me back

2018-06-25 22:13:14 UTC  

you know what I mean assjack 😛

2018-06-25 22:13:20 UTC  


2018-06-25 22:14:35 UTC  

In a world where human labor is still required to meet basic needs and unpredictable acts of nature can cause unplanned rearrangement of vast ammounts of resources, some form of capitalism is the best we have

2018-06-25 22:14:43 UTC  

@LotheronPrime I think mixed economics are the best system because it still allows free enterprise while still preventing full on mass consumerism.

2018-06-25 22:15:17 UTC  

whats wrong with consumerism though?

I mean, what horror exists in people using money they earned to buy things they want?

2018-06-25 22:15:27 UTC  

and don't say the environment