Message from @Sarah Jessica Farter

Discord ID: 471948746993696769

2018-07-26 02:34:54 UTC  

Trump is a Russian pawn confirmed

2018-07-26 02:34:59 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:54:12 UTC  

@pratel that’s inhuman.
Impeach Trump!

2018-07-26 07:32:07 UTC  

That's an oof if true

2018-07-26 07:32:22 UTC  

`b i g` oof

2018-07-26 07:34:36 UTC  

Twitter is becoming ever more ideologically narrow. This is no surprise and has been happening since early into Twitter's existence. It's effectively a platform for activists and journalists. Us plebs are just there to make up the numbers then the celebrities on it bring in the cash to Twitter.

(That's for English Twitter. Apparently Arabic Twitter is an Islamist shitshow and I've no idea what the political current is in other languages on Twitter).

2018-07-26 07:36:16 UTC  

My take: Net Neutrality is the noose the tech companies have built that they will be strung upon.

They opened the option when they attacked the telecoms. And now they've attacked their erstwhile defenders. Democrats will oppose "censorship" and "fascism" but will struggle to be publicly opposed to regulations or anti-trust actions.

2018-07-26 07:41:46 UTC  

It's clear that the decision makers at Twitter view #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo as positive forces unleashed onto society via Twitter. Most of the rest of us likely disagree, I certainly do. I suspect that Twitter believe they're serving a moral purpose now and will want to increasingly gear Twitter towards facilitating such "progressive" hashtag movements. Eliminating the dissent on the platform such activists face (from "trolls", as dissenters are called) is no doubt something Twitter is trying to do. Reducing the conservative presence on the website is a way of doing that.

2018-07-26 07:42:49 UTC  

The hashtag movements drive huge amounts of traffic to Twitter, so more money is made, making the shareholders happy too. Progressives utilising capitalism, somewhat ironically.

2018-07-26 07:44:44 UTC  

I mean, you've heard of the infamous twit by Jack Dorsey, right?

2018-07-26 07:44:50 UTC  

The civil war one?

2018-07-26 07:45:04 UTC  


2018-07-26 07:47:00 UTC  

Ok I just googled it. Scary stuff. I'm not on Twitter and quite glad. It has been ruined nowadays. It was fun back when it started. Tweeting abuse at random celebrities 😁

2018-07-26 07:47:27 UTC  

Yeah, they're really not hiding it.

2018-07-26 07:50:39 UTC  

Something people have too easily forgotten about Twitter is that ISIS greatly benefitted from using Twitter until they were belatedly cracked down on. It was mainly on Arabic Twitter so western and anglophone media didn't pick up on it for about two full years before finally putting pressure on Twitter to stop it. Twitter was ISIS's main media platform for literally years. Yet Twitter feels no shame over that.

2018-07-26 07:51:26 UTC  

Nah, they just took the technology they developed for that and applied it to domestic enemies.

Just like Google did with adpocalypse and their anti-ISIS tools.

2018-07-26 07:54:19 UTC  

I laugh at how Facebook gets pilloried for providing a supposedly influential platform for a candidate (Trump) in a democratic election. Twitter provided a platform for the preaching of genocide against Yazidis, mass rape and slaughter, brutal theocracy and all the other shit ISIS did. But that was cool. No biggie. Twitter good. Facebook bad.

2018-07-26 07:55:26 UTC  

Both are bad.

2018-07-26 07:55:49 UTC  

Not defending Facebook. Just pointing out how easy a ride Twitter is given by comparison.

2018-07-26 07:56:32 UTC  

Somehow we need to find a way to make people think twitter helped trump win.

2018-07-26 07:56:42 UTC  

Although it did tbh.

2018-07-26 07:57:05 UTC  

Need to get the far left to turn on Jack.

2018-07-26 07:58:06 UTC  

Yeah. Beat them at their own game. Just start yelling "racist Nazis" at Twitter until it sticks.

2018-07-26 07:58:56 UTC  

Jack is a white man. Shouldn't be that hard to get them to turn on him!

2018-07-26 08:57:10 UTC  

Venezuela to smash past 1m million percent inflation by years end.. GO VENEZUELA!!!! Am I right? Lol

2018-07-26 09:17:23 UTC  

Hugo Chavez's daughter is worth $4 billion. What a "man of the people he was", pillaging their collective wealth and leaving them destitute.

2018-07-26 10:28:30 UTC  

Socialism makes a few people extremely rich and leaves the rest starving? What would Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez say to that? Oh... she agrees with that, right, saw the totally not obvious satirical totally not faked interview from her.

2018-07-26 10:40:30 UTC  

lol, i'll admit,

Until you said you refered to the fake interview, i thought you were serious about her thinking that and wondered "but SHE IS a socialist, how is she that stupid" πŸ˜„

2018-07-26 10:40:43 UTC  

cuz i honestly think that little of her 😦

2018-07-26 10:46:50 UTC  

Who? Is she a hottie?

2018-07-26 10:48:21 UTC

2018-07-26 10:48:24 UTC  

thats her

2018-07-26 10:52:06 UTC  

A simple 'no' would suffice

2018-07-26 10:54:28 UTC  

well i don't know your standards πŸ˜„

2018-07-26 10:55:06 UTC  

for all i know you're the blurry face of Ryan Reynolds πŸ€”

2018-07-26 10:55:17 UTC  

and thus Scarlett Johanson is below your taste

2018-07-26 10:58:48 UTC  

I'm a mildly fat conservative, my standards are relatively low

2018-07-26 10:59:06 UTC  

I look like sargon actually

2018-07-26 11:02:13 UTC  

well then heres a more flattering picture of her