Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 474622575989751810

2018-08-02 12:43:37 UTC  

Isn't there gonna be a vote to split the state into 3 during the midterms?

2018-08-02 12:44:29 UTC  

No, that one got thrown out by the state supreme court.

2018-08-02 12:48:14 UTC  

Tbh this prolly will too

2018-08-02 12:50:09 UTC  

It almost sounds like they support an ethnostate?

2018-08-02 12:50:11 UTC  

Get thrown out i mean

2018-08-02 12:57:21 UTC  

I was sure even the proponents of the bill are not voting for it

2018-08-02 14:16:19 UTC  

summerise it!

2018-08-02 14:25:19 UTC  

I don't have time to read an entire article!

2018-08-02 14:45:23 UTC  

Make time

2018-08-02 14:48:40 UTC  

Basically, It's a survey of attitudes to free speech.

While most people can name freedom of speech as the 1st amendment, few can name any of the other protections (assembly, petition, religion and press). 40% couldn't name any

51% support unis removing speakers who generate large protests from students. 42% support removing speakers who offend some groups, 70% support removing speakers who incite violence. 46% support removing speakers who would be supported by public funds

72% support social media removing hate speech, 83% false information and 68% personal attacks. Almost even split if government should mandate monitoring and removing "objectionable content"

68% think journalists are obligated to disclose conflict of interest and 74% think the media should be a watch dog and only 28% think the president should be able to deny press credentials.

While 74% think the first amendment does not go too far in protecting freedoms, it's clear many don't even know what these are. It's not mentioned much in the article, but these are all mostly in an anti-free speech, pro-censorship direction.

2018-08-02 14:50:13 UTC  

You should really look at the survey itself.

2018-08-02 14:58:28 UTC  

@The Beatles are just ok don't tell me how to live my life

2018-08-02 14:59:31 UTC  

eh... 1000 ppl. But i am stuned 40% couldn't name at least 1 right and 62% attended college... wtf

2018-08-02 15:12:25 UTC  

The schools quit teaching civics and the American political theory a long time ago. If they're not outright denigrating it for an association with slavery.

2018-08-02 15:13:58 UTC  

Freedom just isn't a value anymore.

2018-08-02 15:43:20 UTC  

freedom isn't freedom anymore

People are taught that freedom ends where racism begins

2018-08-02 15:43:55 UTC  

and they don't think far enough that "Freedom of speech" is needed to protect bad speech

You wouldn't have to legally protect speech everyone agrees with

2018-08-02 15:47:29 UTC  

More critically, hindsight is what determines the value of the results of speech really

2018-08-02 15:47:57 UTC  

So something that may seem obscene to one generation in its contemporary setting may later be viewed as a milestone

2018-08-02 17:00:40 UTC
On the one hand, this means that people aren't getting fired anymore for old racist tweets.
On the other hand, this means that NYT standards are even lower.

2018-08-02 17:01:07 UTC  

I think it's about time that met my hosts file.

2018-08-02 17:24:11 UTC  

what is a NYT? and how many calories does it have?

2018-08-02 18:13:24 UTC

2018-08-02 18:13:33 UTC  

Oh boy, NYT will hire racists as long as they were provoked and are "good writers"

2018-08-02 18:16:11 UTC  

I actually think we should just take it at face value.

2018-08-02 18:17:29 UTC  

I don't think it IS our place to try to demand that they fire her, or anything of the sort.

2018-08-02 18:17:55 UTC  

It IS perfectly within our realm to discredit NYT and any reports that we find issue with.

2018-08-02 18:18:37 UTC  

Oh it's less about who they fire and more about them being consistent

2018-08-02 18:19:01 UTC  

Leftists gonna leftist. Leave Alinskyism to the guys who already have their hands dirty.

2018-08-02 18:19:09 UTC  

If NYT would fire a Richard Spencer, it shouldn't matter if they get an Asian equivalent. And they should be mocked for not sticking to it

2018-08-02 18:19:33 UTC  

Sure, that's valid.

2018-08-02 18:21:19 UTC  

But there's a difference in tactics between criticizing them to everyone else and directing the criticism at them expecting a change.

2018-08-02 18:21:40 UTC  

If they're going to behave like a joke, make them a joke. Make sure more people see it.

2018-08-02 18:22:04 UTC  

Another good way of putting it, don't interrupt your enemy when they make a mistake.

2018-08-02 18:22:42 UTC  

If you don't like the NYT or WaPo, as I don't, let them become more extreme.

2018-08-02 18:23:49 UTC  

Alinsky tactics does involve them becoming more extreme, provided they don't give up

2018-08-02 18:28:02 UTC  

NYT will hire racists as long as they are their kind of racists.

2018-08-02 18:30:46 UTC  

I'm coming of the stance you have to be hard on these kinds of things. We say what happened when *The Atlantic* tried to hire Kevin Williamson with the endorsement of Ta Nesti Coates no less.

I'm coming to think it may be the only way to really force the issue to a truce.

2018-08-02 18:32:34 UTC  

Underrated story.

Everything you need to know is in the title. The DoE has rescinded the Title IX sexual assault guidance and the higher ed sector has essentially basically pledged over the last year to keep the Title IX procedures they developed for sexual assault. #Resist.

2018-08-02 18:33:20 UTC  

The survey the article is written on: