Message from @OliveBlanc

Discord ID: 487174442326294528

2018-09-06 01:50:23 UTC  

And Trump looks pissed huh.

2018-09-06 01:50:53 UTC  

Obama prosecuted a bunch of leakers, but under the espionage act which would not be applicable here.

2018-09-06 01:52:16 UTC  

Really when you read the article nothing was leaked. No classified information. It's basically just a long insult.

2018-09-06 01:52:38 UTC  


2018-09-06 01:54:20 UTC  

well any thing could e national security purposes

2018-09-06 01:55:53 UTC  

I don't know. Using legal force against the media is something Trump has not done so far.

2018-09-06 02:00:52 UTC  

I don’t think Trump will take action on this. Legal or otherwise. It’s probably fake, and he knows it. I think he’s trolling the media with that tweet.

2018-09-06 03:49:51 UTC

2018-09-06 04:37:38 UTC  

Burnie Sanders wants to pass a bill that will tax companies like Amazon and Walmart 100% of the cost for government welfare.

This bill will only tax companies with 500 or more employees, these are old numbers, but as per 2008 US census, the number of employees who work for large companies is 61 million which is about 51% of the
US workforce. As per, there are about 100K employees who are on public welfare and work for large companies. The bear of Labor Statistics says there are 51 million people on welfare and that the average family size of a family who receives welfare is about 4.

Crunching these numbers means that passing this tax will only remove about .01% of the people who are currently on welfare. Meaning this will do nothing and advocates vastly overstate the number of people who work for large companies and receive welfare or I am missing information and about half of the welfare recipients may be removed.

Not sure but this may actually be something I could agree with Burnie on. I hope he has put as much thought into this as I have.

2018-09-06 05:24:54 UTC  

Maybe try and get those companies to pay their workers better.

2018-09-06 06:22:41 UTC  

soo amazon will have 499 workers

2018-09-06 06:23:27 UTC  

the chain of logistics will split in several companies of 499 workers each

2018-09-06 06:23:36 UTC  

make sense

2018-09-06 06:24:12 UTC  

i dont hate bernie but he sounds like an idealistic middle school kido coming up with ideas

2018-09-06 07:16:27 UTC

Mike "zap the gay away" pence is their hero?

2018-09-06 08:16:50 UTC  

I hope so

2018-09-06 08:16:52 UTC  

He's mine

2018-09-06 08:17:01 UTC  

I found him shocking initially

2018-09-06 08:17:09 UTC  

but then it was just a...

2018-09-06 08:17:18 UTC  

...Maybe I should stop.

2018-09-06 09:00:07 UTC  

There's actually a game called The Resistance.

2018-09-06 09:00:32 UTC  

Five to ten players play it. Two are spies.

2018-09-06 09:00:47 UTC  

(in the five player rules)

2018-09-06 09:01:21 UTC  

When I was a camp counselor I'd host this game with some of the kids

2018-09-06 09:01:53 UTC  

One time I decided I'd try an experiment

2018-09-06 09:02:57 UTC  

I rigged the game so that nobody was a spy.

2018-09-06 09:04:13 UTC  

So the way it goes, you get five missions. Spies have the choice to make a mission fail. Winning 3 out of 5 missions means the 'resistance' wins.

2018-09-06 09:04:46 UTC  

Failing three means the spies win. Spies know who each other are, resistance don't.

2018-09-06 09:07:04 UTC  

The group has to vote for three people per mission, meaning you had to figure out who the spies are quick. It was a common strategy for the spies to play the group from the get go, often letting the first mission go for success, and punishing any variation to cause suspicion.

2018-09-06 09:09:46 UTC  

If you aren't on a mission, and you know you're not a spy, then a spy is on a mission. So having no spies, I bore witness to some of the most merciless arguing after two successful missions.

2018-09-06 09:09:55 UTC  

Sounds like secret hitler

2018-09-06 09:10:51 UTC  

What I'm getting at here is that this whole 'resistance in the trump campaign' could very well be a means to sow discord. And it's got potential to be a potent strategy.

2018-09-06 09:13:36 UTC  

I've seen it myself before in a scenario where there are no real stakes. Given that the opposition seems to be aiming to imprison as many trump campaign officials as they can, leave as many lives in ruin as they can, this is kind of dangerous if they get hung up on it.

2018-09-06 10:14:53 UTC  

its like that town of salem

2018-09-06 11:49:22 UTC  

It's not a witch hunt. It's a power play.

2018-09-06 11:49:52 UTC  

There's not exactly much secrecy who is in the campaign. IT's all about intimidation.

2018-09-06 12:34:40 UTC  

I consider myself pretty well informed about current events. The only reason I knew about this was because Infowars retweeted it, and I only followed them because they were deplatformed.

2018-09-06 13:16:54 UTC  
2018-09-06 13:18:46 UTC  

ah interesting