Message from @TraderPropShop

Discord ID: 505442963472646164

2018-10-26 18:03:34 UTC  

Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc was also a pizza delivery driver for Papa Johns in Hollywood, Florida, according to my cousin who works nearby.

2018-10-26 18:03:40 UTC  

He's my President for heaven's sake

2018-10-26 18:03:41 UTC  

I don't take him literally a lot of the time.

2018-10-26 18:04:25 UTC  

you shouldn't take everything literally, but I'm not even going to keep faulting that.

I still want to know what right wing group you would equate to Antifa, BLM, and BAMN in terms of open violence and mainstream support.

2018-10-26 18:04:52 UTC  

Why do people expect an eccentric billionaire with no political history who has sex with porn stars to behave "presidential"?

2018-10-26 18:05:07 UTC  

Because he's President?

2018-10-26 18:05:22 UTC  

Acting presidential is a social construct.

2018-10-26 18:05:28 UTC  

Sayoc Is a Registered Republican; His Family Was Involved in Fighting the Communist Party of the Philippines

2018-10-26 18:05:47 UTC  

You are commenting on a chat platform for gamers should I expect you fall into that stereotype?

2018-10-26 18:05:59 UTC  

@CreativeRealms Damn... wow... that... that was an amazing statement. That actually blew me away with just how epic it was. You win 1 free interwebs.

2018-10-26 18:06:03 UTC  

And Tom, there are right and left groups fighting every night in Portland right now. The mayor had to declare a state of emergency.

2018-10-26 18:06:08 UTC  

On his LinkedIn page, Sayoc says that his grandfather, Col. Baltazar Zook Sayoc, was a martial arts practitioner who developed his own style of fighting, Sayoc Kali.

2018-10-26 18:06:41 UTC  

What right groups are in portland?

2018-10-26 18:06:44 UTC  

@DrYuriMom But that still doesn't answer what I've asked for. What mainstream accepted group of thugs is there on the right? Because I've named 3 on the left now.

2018-10-26 18:07:15 UTC  

I was looking at his twitter page and his likes/follows don't match his posts

2018-10-26 18:07:28 UTC  

"Mail bomb" sender Cesar Sayoc priors:
03- Bomb threat
+many traffic & drug arrests
So was this guy sending bombs for Trump in 2003 as well

2018-10-26 18:07:35 UTC  

Sayoc Tweeted Regularly of His Belief that Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum.

2018-10-26 18:08:02 UTC  

Political Commentator Rochelle Ritchie Says Sayoc Sent Her Threatening Messages After She Appeared on Fox.

2018-10-26 18:08:09 UTC  

I'm not willing to accept that all members of those groups are violent. BLM started because of the killing of blacks.

2018-10-26 18:09:20 UTC  

BLM started because media reporting on black killing was disproportionate to the crimes.

2018-10-26 18:09:53 UTC  

Cat, no #BLM not violent, they just get other to do it. Like Sein Feine and the IRA. Separate groups wink wink.

2018-10-26 18:09:57 UTC  

okay, fine I'll take BLM out of that.
You still have Antifa and BAMN.
And still haven't given me a rightwing mainstream group to compare.
Which is what your initial claim was above that I am faulting.

2018-10-26 18:10:07 UTC  

A white cop killing a black man is 1000x more likely to get aired than black on black. Because there is a story attached to it.

2018-10-26 18:11:07 UTC  

Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Patriot Prayer

2018-10-26 18:11:35 UTC  

there are plenty of groups which are ready for violence and frequently get into fights

2018-10-26 18:11:58 UTC  

These groups are fighting in portland? @shinsoo

2018-10-26 18:12:03 UTC  

@shinsoo Not one of those groups is mainstream accepted by the right, nor praised by them for their violent actions.

2018-10-26 18:12:17 UTC  

neither is BAMN

2018-10-26 18:12:49 UTC  

and antifa isn't even an organised group to be accepted

2018-10-26 18:12:51 UTC  

BAMN is tiny. insane, but tiny.

2018-10-26 18:13:00 UTC  

Better go look at old news articles again. BAMN and Antifa were both HUGELY praised by the mainstream media until the groups went too far in specific situations (like when antifa violently attacked a disabled veteran).

2018-10-26 18:16:04 UTC  

Also EXTREMELY odd: of his 1,223 tweets, there has NEVER been a retweet or comment essentially before TODAY. In most cases his posts are incoherent or unintelligible, sometimes posting the same graphic/meme up to 8 times per day. Like he was on a quota......

2018-10-26 18:16:21 UTC  

The Republicans had a resistance movement during Obama. The Dems have one now. Resisters are praised until it gets violent. Then they are (or should be) condemned

2018-10-26 18:16:21 UTC  

like he was unstable

2018-10-26 18:16:25 UTC  


2018-10-26 18:17:35 UTC  

I'd say it's not an apples to apples comparison of what the mainstream left and right "support". I think it probably seems like "the left" runs defense more often for violent groups because there's more left-leaning media. I haven't seen much other than "antifa started it" from right-leaning outlets like Fox or Breitbart

2018-10-26 18:18:07 UTC  

Anyway, I don't condone violence or threats of violence on any pole. Which is why I feel distressed when my own President advocates for violence.

2018-10-26 18:18:15 UTC  

@DrYuriMom Which group? That's all I keep asking. I still haven't heard one legitimate mainstream group on the right. I keep hearing fringe groups being compared to it and that's all.

2018-10-26 18:19:09 UTC  

I can't name any because there are no "mainstream" ones. Just like there aren't on the left. When they get violent, they aren't mainstream anymore.

2018-10-26 18:19:28 UTC  

Antifa was mainstream though. There's absolutely no doubt about that.