Message from @TraderPropShop

Discord ID: 505486306869248004

2018-10-26 20:57:40 UTC  

@Khanclansith , I've never called someone a NAZI who was not actually a NAZI, either self-identified or through clear connections in 1930/40 Germany.

2018-10-26 20:58:02 UTC  

I'm a historian, it's fine to call Nazis Nazis. :p

2018-10-26 20:59:21 UTC  

@DrYuriMom That's offensive. You can't call nazis nazis. Didn't you know that Battlefield5, set in WW2, has banned the word Nazi for being offensive!

2018-10-26 20:59:21 UTC  

@JustTom , maybe we don;t see a riot the same way. Were marches and non-violent civil disobedience riots?

2018-10-26 20:59:22 UTC  

@DrYuriMom I have studied the rise of Facism, National Socialism and have done presentations on preventing it's return. Which is why I am frustrated by the fact that those that who claim to be "Anti-Facist" behave so close to the NSDAP- SA of the 1920-30s

2018-10-26 20:59:35 UTC  

Oh, Tom, tell me you're joking.

2018-10-26 20:59:45 UTC  

I'm not. The word Nazi is banned in BF5.

2018-10-26 20:59:46 UTC  

They seriously dodged using Nazi in a WW2 combat game?

2018-10-26 20:59:49 UTC  

There was a lot of that early on. That said, there were also cars burned in DC on inauguration day and I think everyone decried that.

2018-10-26 21:00:14 UTC  

Trump jokingly saying to body slam a reporter is bad and may radicalize someone. But does not calling 50% of the people Nazis, racists, deplorable do even more damage?

2018-10-26 21:00:22 UTC  

I never even heard of the inauguration day riots until Tim mentioned them.

2018-10-26 21:00:44 UTC  

It was glossed over by the news @Atkins

2018-10-26 21:00:49 UTC  

Yeah, Tim was on it, a few other people were. Not nearly as loud as it should have been though.

2018-10-26 21:00:54 UTC  

@TraderPropShop , yeah. Again, that's why I am here and not on the left with my "natural allies"

2018-10-26 21:01:10 UTC  

The Libertarians are your true allies.

2018-10-26 21:01:26 UTC  

If they didn't want the gold standard, I'd agree with you

2018-10-26 21:01:39 UTC  

Antifa early riots against a Jewish Free Speech advocate.
Tell me where the line between riot and "non-violent civil disobedience" is please.

2018-10-26 21:01:40 UTC  

Libertarians are kooky in ways that make the Dems make sense

2018-10-26 21:01:40 UTC  

I'll level with you, the Republicans are too married to conservative Christian factions to give you everything you want, at least for the next generation or two.

2018-10-26 21:02:00 UTC  

I know that, @Bookworm . That's my problem.

2018-10-26 21:02:07 UTC  

Ohh Cat, you don't like fixed money, i.e. gold?

2018-10-26 21:02:14 UTC  

I don't want the left but the right doesn't want me.

2018-10-26 21:02:20 UTC  

I exist in political limbo.

2018-10-26 21:02:23 UTC  

It's not that the right doesn't want you.

2018-10-26 21:02:30 UTC  

They just won't give you your full platform.

2018-10-26 21:02:51 UTC  

Religious right is almost entirely dead of old age.

2018-10-26 21:02:52 UTC  

Okay, as long as you agree that the mainstream support of THIS, was the mainstream support of RIOTING AND VIOLENCE. @DrYuriMom

2018-10-26 21:02:57 UTC  

Remmember all of the cars that got burrned in DC when the Tea Party cranks protested Obama? Yeah, me neither.

2018-10-26 21:03:10 UTC  

I don;t want a platform. I just want to be left alone to live my life with my family fully recognized.

2018-10-26 21:03:30 UTC  

Tea Partiers were well known for picking up the litter after their rallies.

2018-10-26 21:03:53 UTC  

Tea Party tried to go mainstream and were quickly booed out.

2018-10-26 21:04:14 UTC  

That was before new media, and the now legacy media...didn't like them.

2018-10-26 21:04:39 UTC  

When you control the image, you control national opinion, and thus the Tea Party was neutralized.

2018-10-26 21:05:01 UTC  

The MSM tried to claim the Tea Party was "The New Face of the KKK!" Yeah, the Tea Party were just people who hate taxes and not entirely informed on what was happening

2018-10-26 21:05:35 UTC  

I gotta sit here and agree with @Khanclansith - Antifa are a perfect image of what it means to be a Fascist.

2018-10-26 21:05:46 UTC  

@JustTom , what is this? And yes, support of looting and violence is support of violence if it happened.

2018-10-26 21:06:22 UTC  

@JustTom now we need to get them to see they are the new SA

2018-10-26 21:06:30 UTC  

@DrYuriMom The vid I linked above that of the Antifa riots was "This" in that context.

2018-10-26 21:06:54 UTC  

Tea Party was for sound/fix money with fiscal responsibility. Central bankers and politicians hate this. Central bankers are the real source of power. Fractional reserve lending is the number one cause of wealth inequality - it is mathematical.

2018-10-26 21:07:18 UTC  

The people I talk to on the left are people who are just afraid. Afraid of being shot by police. Afraid of their marriage being annulled. Afraid of losing their health care and being bankrupted by preexisting conditions.

2018-10-26 21:07:36 UTC  

That was some of their standpoints, yes Trader, but they were also extremists on many other points, and that's why no one wanted to support them.