Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 485129739632246785

2018-08-30 21:30:01 UTC  

is basically what the MSM is doing here

2018-08-30 22:50:17 UTC  

@xaivei I believe the Daily Caller on this one. The MSM is just running damage control.

2018-08-30 22:50:36 UTC  

Atknis, well I dunno what to believe - but it does look like damage control

2018-08-30 22:50:46 UTC  

more from FBI than MSMS

2018-08-30 22:51:06 UTC  

MSM just shilling for FBI

2018-08-30 22:52:12 UTC  

Given the level of detail and specific sources named in the Daily Caller article, as well as the FBI's horrific mishandling of the investigation (and Strzok's involvement) it seems to me like they have the facts on their side. Eventually we'll learn which Chinese firm it was.

2018-08-30 22:52:59 UTC  

Might be after Kavanaugh's confirmation.

2018-08-30 22:54:16 UTC  

It's going to be a wild couple of months. No reason to hold anything back.

2018-08-30 23:01:35 UTC  

So The left thinks you should hate the Flordia governor GOP nomoniee because he was an admin for a Facebook group they have deemed anti-Muslim and thus raceist. But then they want to boycott In and Out burger because they are Chgristian.

2018-08-30 23:03:17 UTC  

@woodchuck00 AFAIK you can make people admin of group without consent

2018-08-30 23:03:32 UTC  

so he may not have even been affiliated with it

2018-08-30 23:06:55 UTC  

True , thinkprogress and the other hit pieces never have any screenshots or proof, they only have screen shots off twitter posts were people claim he was an admin.

2018-08-30 23:08:23 UTC  

It is also hilarious that the left is mad at In and Out, they finally figured out that all the packaging has bible verses on it. Following the lefts own logic, they are raceist.

2018-08-30 23:09:01 UTC  

wow that is pretty sketchy

2018-08-30 23:09:11 UTC  

and thinkprogress ... fucking trash journalism - of the highest caliber

2018-08-30 23:29:26 UTC  

I wouldn't even consider them journalism or news, they are an advocacy group.

2018-08-30 23:36:42 UTC  


2018-08-31 15:15:17 UTC we've got a new textbook definition of irony from Vox

2018-08-31 15:33:19 UTC  

“ Former Vatican ambassador says Popes Francis,Benedict knew of sexual misconduct allegations against McCarrick for years “ by Chico Harlan, Stefano Pitrelli and Michael Boorstein on Washington Post

^Benedict did know about McCarrick, HOWEVER, Benedict actually took strong actions against it. Francis revoked literally all of the sanctions that Benedict had put on McCarrick. That's a big important detail to just leave out. They're lumping them together to make it seem like they both did nothing. Benedict did his job, Francis didn't. And they try to sugarcoat that.


2018-08-31 16:52:59 UTC  

"So no, the left isn’t afraid of Jordan Peterson, the left is annoyed with him. The left is tired of a grifter taking advantage of angry, lonely, people and filling their heads with hateful rhetoric. "

Apparently cleaning your room is hateful rhetoric

2018-08-31 16:53:27 UTC  

Guess it's hateful to people who didn't have fathers

2018-08-31 17:10:50 UTC  

'walk with your shoulders forward and your head up'

2018-08-31 17:11:19 UTC  

Makes me feel like a racist.

2018-08-31 17:11:34 UTC  

A confident, hateful racist.

2018-08-31 17:27:40 UTC  

They hate people taking responsibility and self improvement

2018-08-31 17:27:45 UTC  

Of course they hate peterson

2018-08-31 19:49:11 UTC  

Got a good exerpt from the article these letters are about

2018-08-31 19:49:51 UTC  

The young men voted for Hillary, they called home in shock when Trump won, they talked about flipping the House, and they followed Peterson to other podcasts—to Sam Harris and Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan. What they were getting from these lectures and discussions, often lengthy and often on arcane subjects, was perhaps the only sustained argument against identity politics they had heard in their lives.
Because all of this was happening silently, called down from satellites and poured in through earbuds—and not on campus free-speech zones where it could be monitored, shouted down, and reported to the appropriate authorities—the left was late in realizing what an enormous problem it was becoming for it. It was like the 1960s, when kids were getting radicalized before their parents realized they’d quit glee club. And it was not just college students. Not by a long shot.

2018-08-31 19:50:00 UTC  

Lobsters are the invertebrates of the Alt-Right

2018-08-31 19:56:15 UTC  

You know, it is kinda funny that saying "you'll paint congress red" could mean a massacre, filling it with communists or Republicans, or literally painting them red.

2018-08-31 20:09:20 UTC  

I can't tell... Is the Atlantic there actually saying listening to Jordan Peterson and company something to report to university authorities?

2018-08-31 20:16:53 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 And now, having realized their mistake, they are going on all cylinders to prevent it from happening again.

2018-08-31 20:18:38 UTC  

@RyeNorth The Atlantic is just posting reader letters here. I'm not sure it's necessarily an endorsement.

That said, I fully expect Uni Bias Reponse Teams very much think it is. We've seen what happened to Lindsey Shepard simply showing a clip "neutrally"

2018-08-31 20:19:37 UTC  

Who were these letters to/from?

2018-08-31 20:19:42 UTC  

Speaking of which, how dystopian is it that you can be reported for wrongthink on a *college campus*

2018-08-31 20:19:53 UTC  

I didn't read articles. At work.

2018-08-31 20:20:33 UTC  

Readers. News magazines usually will have short response letters from readers on the first couple of pages.

2018-08-31 20:20:48 UTC  

It's like short form letters to the editor.

2018-08-31 20:21:05 UTC  

How they pick the letters to show is anyone's guess. But they do it presumably to get other opinions.