Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 523902221801357327

2018-12-16 16:26:43 UTC  

who said "I'm a nazi"?

2018-12-16 16:26:55 UTC  

who is he even quoting?

2018-12-16 16:27:14 UTC  

Jeff always been an idiot, it's not like I'm surprised tbh

2018-12-16 16:29:27 UTC  

National socialist =/= Nazi. That said, national socialism is easily abused - just look at China and quite likely Russia depending on how their current kleptocracy evolves.

2018-12-16 16:30:03 UTC  

I think Trump's dream is national socialism but he most certainly is not a Nazi.

2018-12-16 16:30:47 UTC  

Trump is far from a socialist.

2018-12-16 16:31:06 UTC  

I think he'd like to be. His reflexes are certainly in that direction.

2018-12-16 16:31:59 UTC  

He just wants to erase everything Obama ever did. When he talks about replacing it with something, he talks some pretty socialist stuff. The congress the past two years just wouldn't give it to him.

2018-12-16 16:32:35 UTC  

But his socialism is nationalist, not communist, in nature.

2018-12-16 16:33:00 UTC  

When he says he supports universal healthcare? It's a social policy but far from socialist.

2018-12-16 16:34:06 UTC  

Universal healthcare, especially when you guarantee equal rates with pre-existing conditions, is gonna end up being highly government-involved. Whether by ownership or regulation.

2018-12-16 16:34:23 UTC  

He also supports social security and medicare

2018-12-16 16:34:53 UTC  

universal healthcare could be good
or it could be horrible
it all depends on whether they tackle the hard problems around cost and pricing
( they won't, there is a reason the investment portfolios on the hill do so well)

2018-12-16 16:35:05 UTC  

He advocates for a $1 trillion infrastructure initiative coordinated if not paid for by the government.

2018-12-16 16:36:05 UTC  

If he started talking about complete redistribution of wealth and workers taking the means of production I'd agree but at the end of the day he's a capitalist (also socialists don't lower taxes).

2018-12-16 16:36:12 UTC  

He keeps talking about what "he" will do, meaning the government, and taking credit for it. Not the market. Not entrepreneurs. But him, himself, as president.

2018-12-16 16:37:07 UTC  

Communists are about complete redistribution of wealth and workers taking the means of production. Socialists are about government directing, either by ownership or regulation, the flow of wealth.

2018-12-16 16:38:10 UTC  

When I say socialist, I am talking about socialism in the sense of western Europe and even 1930's Germany. The government didn't own everything, they just gave it to people who would do what they wanted and regulated the hell out of it.

2018-12-16 16:38:22 UTC  

I imagine any socialist you'd talk to would say Trump is far from being a socialist.

2018-12-16 16:40:08 UTC  

National socialism is very different from Marxist socialism. One has as it's guiding star benefiting individuals collectively - whether or not they ever achieve it is another story. National socialists are all about the state. Glorify and better the state and everything trickles down. In both cases, government either owns or heavy directs production and wealth distribution.

2018-12-16 16:40:23 UTC  

National socialism was a response to marxist socialism

2018-12-16 16:40:58 UTC  

Would Trump deregulating tons of things fall under that? I think not.

2018-12-16 16:44:32 UTC  

His people and Congress have edged toward deregulation, but when he actually talks he's talking about government solutions. Again, he's very populist and that tends to be government solutions. I'm certainly not saying he's AOC, but he's certainly tended toward solving things himself rather than leaving it to the market.

2018-12-16 16:45:33 UTC  

He runs the government like a business rather than like the government.

2018-12-16 16:46:18 UTC  

Which isn’t that efficient.

2018-12-16 16:46:30 UTC  


2018-12-16 16:47:10 UTC  

His business sense is very autocratic.

2018-12-16 16:58:46 UTC  

how were the NSDAP socialist in anything other than name?

2018-12-16 17:01:01 UTC  

They were anti-capitalist, got a lot of support from working class Germans, and considered free trade to be disadvantageous to Germany.

2018-12-16 17:02:00 UTC  

and those are defining characteristics of socialism?

2018-12-16 17:02:35 UTC  

The NSDAP also did support nationalizing all industries.

2018-12-16 17:03:50 UTC  

National socialism wasn’t socialism in the traditional sense, but it did incorporate many of socialism’s ideas, with the notable exceptions of class conflict and internationalism.

2018-12-16 17:04:43 UTC  

so, NSDAP argued against private ownership of property?

2018-12-16 17:22:23 UTC  

So at the very least, they were opposed to non-Germans owning private property.

2018-12-16 17:28:45 UTC  

hence the nationalist part but that doesn't prove they were socialist

2018-12-16 17:34:23 UTC  

Did you read the points?

2018-12-16 17:41:32 UTC  

The NSADP redirected capital with state power in the name and for the (purported) benefit of the people, in their case as defined by the state. In the end it was more kleptocracy than anything else, but they knew they had to provide at least enough social benefit to maintain the support of the masses. This was the mid-30's. By the late 30's they could dispense with that since they could drive public opinion through the war. Good thing, too, since the capital derived from nationalizing Jewish wealth was drying up.

2018-12-16 17:42:57 UTC  

But again, I differentiate the Nazi's from the initial theory of national socialism.

2018-12-16 17:44:21 UTC  

National Socialism was always Ethnic Socialism, mobilizing socialist revolution by mobilizing people on Nationalities (Ethnicity) lines