Message from @ExceptionalFeather
Discord ID: 469414499783278603
You are never truly free in your life. Since you have been born you were owned by your country. 😦
I don;t know about owned
make it simple then,
IF you opt in, you get helped out and have to pay it back with interest before you can opt-out
like how a bank loan works
But parents decide to have most kids as part of society
that way you don't have a negative sum game in the optional taxes
kinda if you were to not pay taxes for e.g roads, what prevents you from just not pay and still use roads?
well at least here you are.. when you die, your body belongs to the state
Being part of society has its pros and cons
tol booths Nicklii
I don't need my body when I die
they can do whatever they want with you, not kidding, they can chop you up for some med students and you and your family has no say in it
Well, i think that was the idea being the two tax brackets Nicklii
You might not!
I'll need it for when i ascent on my pyramid to meet Ra 😄
If my state wanted to take care of disposal so my kids don't have to pay for it good
'fixed' was Roads, military, emergency care, fire protection
That kind of thing
Or so i imagined it
is this something in use?
no..they won't pay for your burial or disposal or anything.. they will take your body, do whatever they and then throw the family the remains to deal with them
oh that's fucked up
Death is a good business
@ExceptionalFeather how much is cremation anyway?
idk couple thousand I believe
1 galon of gas and a matchbox if you do it yourself 😄
need multiple gallons though
diy cremation 🤣
ad will smell awful
but yes, public services on dying are thousands of dorruuu 😦
oi do you have loicense for that ?
Id ask to sell my body when I die, and pass the money to charity
or donate your body to a farmer,
Make your corpse pig food 😄
that'll be free
that could work
some pig farmers has done that, inadvertantly
died with the pigs and gotten eaten
not sure how hormones might fuck up the pigs though
probably better to become plant fertilizer
...Isnt a 'natural' shallow grave the simplest/most reasonable one?