Message from @>Cytos, de lieve goede synth

Discord ID: 473494587827027968

2018-07-30 14:16:33 UTC  

Much like drag isnt trans

2018-07-30 14:16:47 UTC  

Is it a gender dysphoria if a person wishes to have both sets of genitals though? Hmmmmmm?

2018-07-30 14:16:57 UTC  

tbh it jsut reinforces teh hertero normative sexual attraction

2018-07-30 14:17:00 UTC  

thats Hermaphroditophillia

2018-07-30 14:17:02 UTC  

Thats a hermaphrodite i thought

2018-07-30 14:17:03 UTC  

except minus the big tits n ass

2018-07-30 14:17:04 UTC  

its the most strict form of social science, gay science

2018-07-30 14:17:07 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:17:08 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:17:19 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:17:24 UTC  

mind you,

A person with both sets of genitals, can literally fuck themselves

2018-07-30 14:17:37 UTC  

Ey fuck you all my made up gender words are factual REEEEEEEEEE

2018-07-30 14:17:39 UTC  

i dono, bending that dick so far could be a problem

2018-07-30 14:17:41 UTC  

Wait what?

2018-07-30 14:17:46 UTC  

@Dr.Wol Technically they would never be a true hermaphrodite (as they do not give birth to another herm.), that would be a chimera in a proper medciacl terminology

2018-07-30 14:17:55 UTC  

btw the term i used is legit

2018-07-30 14:17:56 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:18:11 UTC  

so if trans ppl are chimeras

2018-07-30 14:18:18 UTC  

also, scientifically speaking, there is only one gender

2018-07-30 14:18:20 UTC  

does that mean fucking them is beastiality

2018-07-30 14:18:26 UTC  

the other is actually a wavelength?

2018-07-30 14:18:27 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:18:32 UTC  

and property

2018-07-30 14:18:33 UTC  

@JULZIFICATOR Gynanthromorphopillia is what traps do. They like to look like a female

2018-07-30 14:18:38 UTC  

its ont he intersection between gender theory and string theory

2018-07-30 14:18:45 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:19:02 UTC  

also ppl that like male to female trans that keep the peeners

2018-07-30 14:19:10 UTC  

Wait... does that mean a hermaphrodite can rape themselves?

2018-07-30 14:19:16 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:19:18 UTC  

which gender is it you ask? that is quantum physics, it depends

2018-07-30 14:19:22 UTC  

well if done accidentally

2018-07-30 14:19:23 UTC  

its 100% random

2018-07-30 14:19:30 UTC  

impossible to predict

2018-07-30 14:19:31 UTC  

I don’t know where this convo is going but i prefer my females with a natural puss

2018-07-30 14:19:39 UTC  


2018-07-30 14:19:55 UTC  

we need a disney princess who prefers anal

2018-07-30 14:20:09 UTC  

that wasnt ariel??

2018-07-30 14:20:16 UTC  

@>Cytos, de lieve goede synth disney better do it ... the mob will come after them soon for this

2018-07-30 14:20:20 UTC  

i thought she wanted to try expeienceing what being a human is like

2018-07-30 14:20:20 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels What if they have a penis-size clitoris?

2018-07-30 14:20:29 UTC  

obvs thta involves da buttsecks