Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 283362796463456267
We'll see what happens
@Oskar636 got anyone in NC?
North Carolina?
2 guys, don't know if they seem like guys that would do ground work.
I'm totally down to do ground work
Has antifa achieved anarchy by tipping over trashcans yet?
I have to wonder what antifa hopes to establish if they "achieve anarchy"
It means they secure welfare handouts for everyone, right?
Apparently it means "everybody is equal" which means everybody interprits it as a communist belief
We need to overthrow the white man's imperialist laws
So that mexicans can move here by the tens of millions and collect welfare
Welfare just magically rains down like mana from heaven
>Everybody get's welfare >Everybody get's the same amount of money >The gov can afford this >Gov does not collapse
I can't even understand the retarded shit they're demanding
They want anarchy plus communism
Exact oppisates
A strong welfare state to punish people they don't agree with and handout infinite welfare to tumblr approved skin colors
They neglect to mention that it's mostly Trump voters who pay into the system which funds the welfare checks
>We also want communism
Erase the borders, no rules or laws
Oh wait Mexico is trying to enforce their laws on us
>This is somehow communism
@Hernán Cortés It's not currency if you don't call it money
is amtofa here?
Started making My Summer Car skins
Needs some work
Put the pure nordic reich flag on then we will be good to go.
Some nice shit going on in our livestream.
Some good discussion.
Link link in here
Inb4 redirect, yeah we want more exposure.
The israeli one is the newest one.
Please let me know if Antifa showas up, okay?