Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 283847987271041026
Duel enrolled
Middle college?
No, it isn't as structured as that. But this year I am full cc
At the CC I go to there are plenty of hijabs and even trash bags of tolerance
Mother of god....
I have seen multiple trashbags, at least I think so
It all makes sense now...
Can't really be sure
Twitter has gone to shit
The shadow banning has made it so hard to use
Yeah, but for any actual intended use they have fucked their platform over
I hear a lot about shadow banning but I have not seen it or experienced it
Over 50% of all replys are hidden
True, but there is a thing that you can click on that shows all replies
Doesn't work
Literally half of the replys are actually unseeable if you are logged in
As an example
All replys are shown, but only 3 of 7 are visible
@Dangerlurking what are you refering to
@Extra Crispy The event meeting on the poster
It was posted on pol today anyway fam
Didn't see it then.
That tagline for MSNBC threw me off for a seconds
Do you guys agree with everything he says or do you have issues with some of his positions?
>Calls apartheid bad
I like most of what he says but don't like a few policies
@Extra Crispy Jesus christ what the fuck is that