
Discord ID: 784816348307652608

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Ok #PenceforPrez tho

Yeah bro it’s gonna be great

It looks like it’s going to be good from the trailer. Also considering it only has two green screen scenes, I think it’ll be great. My only complaint is that they say “crusade” instead of “Jihad” but I guess they’re trying to cater to us conservatives by not using Muslim phrases

It was pretty good

Not my favorite


For freaking cultural appropriation

Nice profile pic btw

I think tech is ruining our world

Socially yes, environmentally no

And economically no

But it has made us so much more lazy

What I mean to say is that tech is one of the main reasons we have so many snowflakes, the reason we have Antifa and so many liberals, the reason why free speech is being denied

Tech has pretty much ensured a complete turn from conservative societal norms

It’s helpful and all

My family and I were stationed in Germany for two years and here are some pics I got on my old IPod

Also here’s a pic from my family’s farm

Thx bro

Big agree that’s coming from a 15 yr old

My idiot generation would just vote for whatever liberal socialist was the most radical

Socialism, Marxism, communism, idc. It’s all the same to me

Pure Democracy is stupid

The redistribution of wealth

It never works tho

Communism is an totalitarian authoritarian regime that promises the equal distribution of wealth, and socialism is the same thing but worded different to cater to idiots.

It never is tho

I mean I’m not really an expert but my dad flies F-15Cs and my uncle flies A-10s and I’ve studied planes all my life so maybe I can help

Guys... I think @Jt is a commie

Big agree. I’m also a Christian and my views pretty much alike with Reagan

Anarchy isn’t freedom.

I want a society where those things never happen

I do not support the LGBTQ community at all

Government is necessary. Big government is not

Because it’s unnatural and disgusting and perverted

Your arguments are that of a 5 year old


That’s the only thing you say

No one said we want big government

Ur not supposed to be here

If you’re dumb enough to do drugs then you deserve all the horrible ramifications

The government should protect the people, and when drugs and drug dealing lead to violence and crime it should stop it

Wrong channel

@Jt is an idiot

I can choose to buy a bomb to place in a building. The government should stop me

Your arguments are paper

Either, it doesn’t matter

It can’t

Ok I’m going to bed I’m not gonna keep defeating your every argument for you to bring up worse arguments and hypotheticals

Poll: Are Catholics Christians, or is it their own religion? 👍🏻 for yes, Christians, 👎🏻 for no, own religion

125th Fighter Wing in Jacksonville Fl


@G650 you fly F-15s?

It’s not

My dad was stationed at Nellis when I was 2-4 years old

I’m about to buy a Savage 110 Trophy Hunter chambered in 30-06 when they’re back in stock

Or are you ground crew?

I want to buy a 1954 R110 series International Harvester Pickup

Here’s my doge

My tattoo would be a charging flag on my shoulder and a shaft of wheat on my wrist

Everything you said there is false


I would, but it’s too messy

Is it an air soft gun?

I have no idea. Sorry

Look it up on YT

Good idea

Yeah the series looks like it’s going to be good as well

I’m mostly excited for the movie tho

Ok cool

Here’s a debate:

Should the Church allow LGBTQ members?

By grace you have been saved through Faith, not as a result of works, but a gift of God

Works are a result of salvation. Salvation is not a result of works.

Killing people is not wrong if the people being killed are evildoers

They could, possibly, but they still deserve punishment

But throughout the Bible God commands the Israelites to kill evildoers

Justice and vengeance are two very different things

I’m not saying go around killing people

But I do believe that murderers should be executed

God commanded the Israelites to kill in justice countless times through the Bible

How can murderers be more or less extreme? They’re still murderers

Didn’t say it wasn’t

It’s still murder

The 5th commandment is talking about murder. War and just execution are not bound by the 5th commandment

No difference. Both took a life

Well yes that was unbiblical

Also I love how your name is “no mercy” and you’re advocating for mercy

Mercy from justice that is

I don’t agree with the man’s actions, I believe it is the laws place to punish, but I don’t think that is a case where the man should be executed

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