Liberty Spectre

Discord ID: 372907417744179200

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2018-07-01 19:22:28 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

Who here is actively looking for joining a political activity group?

2018-07-02 04:41:51 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

Local or state

2018-07-02 04:42:36 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

Any level really. From online to irl activities to classic door knocking

2018-07-12 00:05:54 UTC [Red Storm #customs]  

NC Libertarian Traditionalist

@Nuke what's up?

2018-08-14 20:06:16 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

@NunsNAmmo you still on here brother?

2018-08-14 20:20:01 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

looks like it

Fayetteville area

2018-09-06 18:29:52 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

@@Deleted User do you have a link for outer heaven

2018-09-06 18:31:17 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

No idea. I just read the above about it being big and I haven't heard of it

2018-09-06 18:31:24 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

Is it bad?

2018-09-06 19:04:09 UTC [Red Storm Official #oklahoma]  

Hmm. OK then. Trying to find some servers that are semi active and focused


If you live in the US, google local elections coming up and volunteer a few evenings to help out the campaign in your state. The benefits you can deliver may provide the push needed to secure seats. But the more significant impact is the personal/professional/political networks and experience you gain. You will be able to better understand the system, and by doing so, develop yourself for activism that delievers impacts during the "off season". It can open a lot of doors for you as well. Get a friend or two to join you and encourage them to involve other folks. We need young, energetic, and involved people to drive home the message that the conservative/nationalist message resonates with the people and inspire those who feel hopeless.



If you live in the US, google local elections coming up and volunteer a few evenings to help out the campaign in your state. The benefits you can deliver may provide the push needed to secure seats. But the more significant impact is the personal/professional/political networks and experience you gain. You will be able to better understand the system, and by doing so, develop yourself for activism that delievers impacts during the "off season". It can open a lot of doors for you as well. Get a friend or two to join you and encourage them to involve other folks. We need young, energetic, and involved people to drive home the message that the conservative/nationalist message resonates with the people and inspire those who feel hopeless.


2018-10-11 19:16:56 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  


If you live in the US, google local elections coming up and volunteer a few evenings to help out the campaign in your state. The benefits you can deliver may provide the push needed to secure seats. But the more significant impact is the personal/professional/political networks and experience you gain. You will be able to better understand the system, and by doing so, develop yourself for activism that delievers impacts during the "off season". It can open a lot of doors for you as well. Get a friend or two to join you and encourage them to involve other folks. We need young, energetic, and involved people to drive home the message that the conservative/nationalist message resonates with the people and inspire those who feel hopeless.



If you live in the US, google local elections coming up and volunteer a few evenings to help out the campaign in your state. The benefits you can deliver may provide the push needed to secure seats. But the more significant impact is the personal/professional/political networks and experience you gain. You will be able to better understand the system, and by doing so, develop yourself for activism that delievers impacts during the "off season". It can open a lot of doors for you as well. Get a friend or two to join you and encourage them to involve other folks. We need young, energetic, and involved people to drive home the message that the conservative/nationalist message resonates with the people and inspire those who feel hopeless.



If you live in the US, google local elections coming up and volunteer a few evenings to help out the campaign in your state. The benefits you can deliver may provide the push needed to secure seats. But the more significant impact is the personal/professional/political networks and experience you gain. You will be able to better understand the system, and by doing so, develop yourself for activism that delievers impacts during the "off season". It can open a lot of doors for you as well. Get a friend or two to join you and encourage them to involve other folks. We need young, energetic, and involved people to drive home the message that the conservative/nationalist message resonates with the people and inspire those who feel hopeless.



If you live in the US, google local elections coming up and volunteer a few evenings to help out the campaign in your state. The benefits you can deliver may provide the push needed to secure seats. But the more significant impact is the personal/professional/political networks and experience you gain. You will be able to better understand the system, and by doing so, develop yourself for activism that delievers impacts during the "off season". It can open a lot of doors for you as well. Get a friend or two to join you and encourage them to involve other folks. We need young, energetic, and involved people to drive home the message that the conservative/nationalist message resonates with the people and inspire those who feel hopeless.


Who here is helping with local campaigns

2018-10-12 13:54:02 UTC [The Chads #vetting]  

1. RNN partner link.
2. Huwhite Amerimutt. (Mainly Anglo and Czech)
3. Christian. Traditionalist. Right Libertarian.
4. (((Bankers and Hollywood))), best major politician in the US right now- not perfect but i have his back, 1950s America with WiFi.

Get in here boys. Voter ID is on the ballot! Critical issue for the Republicans

Let's network up on here and get involved at the state and local level. I'll buy y'all a beer or lunch afterwards.

Mfw the Democrats adopt the "one drop rule"

@Vox in regards to what

That's a first amendment issue my man. Was the argument that the clothing was distracting from education? Do you have a copy of your schools policy regarding clothing?

What kind of trouble

Nope. Dude. If you want to get this fixed, 1. Contact the school board. As in go to a school board meeting and address this. They actually make shit go down. Let them know unless its resolved or addressed, you will contact your state representative (hopefully Republican) about it. Say you feel politically discriminated against. 2. If they don't, go to the media with it. If its credible, it will make the news.

There is nothing school administrators hate more than negative media. My dad was a school admin for over a decade. He was good at his job because he was firm but fair

Even better, have a friend film you addressing the school board. Get the video online if you still feel discriminated against

It should be an elected position. I'd Google or go to your schools website

Bring that up. Get a few friends of yours who noticed this to be witnesses as well so it doesn't look like you're alone in this. I'd actually start a petition and list your grievances about it.

Do you have evidence for any of the examples above? Facebook pics? School stories? Ect

For the Fuck Trump and NRA? Or about you guys getting edited out

And your friends getting in rubble


Ok. You will just need their statements

How did they crop it out

Did the administration ask them to take off the shirts

Yeah. See what evidence you can collect through statements and pics.

Go from there to your school board

Let them know you will be contacting local and national media about the incident unless they will resolve the issue and reinstate the images in the yearbook or whatever it was.

I'll help you write a letter once we get the facts

@Vox the above can bury the admins in regards to political discrimination. Do your parents know about this?

Are they upset?

But your primary focus should be one of political discrimination

Keep hitting that one home. It can get lawsuit threatening. Another thing school administrators don't like

Either way. Spend the week collecting evidence. Then bring it to your parents. Get it addressed through a parent group at the school board. Then blow up social media with it

Look at me. We Diversity now.

Or just dog whistle.

Project Veritas video get much publicity?

Too late to register. Focus on undecided voters and moderates.

Right on. Thanks.

Molyneux makes some solid videos on this. You get influx of Gov welfare spending with immigrants from the poverty regions. Also voting in Authoritarian parties by ethnic minorities

Brings civil conflict

Male order hubbies

Is eating ass where you want to be when Jesus comes back?

Its like listening to an outback steakhouse commercial

Oi oi oi

Lex has been fathering children consistently for about a decade now

I've been on the accidental recieving end of a consistent slip anal penetration while hiking with the fellas. I can confirm not gay

If slippery slope is false, then we can never have indicators, warnings, or trends. Sorry I'm late to this or if my mic was on

I give out ginger minges for Halloween

I, for one, would love to have Lex as my new stepdad

Have you already registered? And are you able to vote early?

Eric Prince is running?

In Wyoming for Senate?

@Zeno Of Citium the RP to GLR meme is why I'm here unironically

Ron Paul to George Lincoln Rockwell

Son of a birch, I literally had to spell it out

Let's get to bed. Nice and comfy bed.

2018-12-21 03:10:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

good set of ideas and tools for organizing

80 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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