Francisco Nuñez - CA

Discord ID: 306912607992938507

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who /jail/ here


2017-12-14 07:36:21 UTC [Fitness #onions]  

<:onion:390756048656662528> `

2017-12-14 21:23:28 UTC [Realism #general]  


2017-12-14 21:23:43 UTC [Realism #general]  

I had a reunion party with half a dozen former high school peers last night and after a few drinks 5 of them were arguing with the one leftist kid for not being a WN and 3 expressed interest in Identity Evropa, one is already a member

I recruited one of them last month

already did chief

My goal is 4 recruits by the end of the year

Who /spreadingthegoodnews/ here???

100,000 men by 2020

March on Washington soon brothers

2018-01-08 21:29:06 UTC [Realism #general]  


>first day of freshman (((race))) class in my 8% white school

>Professor accuses right wing of trampling free speech and used that Drexel professor as an example, calling him a white man who was crucified for saying some 'controversial things'

>I finally chimp and stand up, social martyrdom operation initiated

>I tell Prof that he was in fact not white, but a Jew (her asian eyes widen visibly from across the hall) and that he was in hot water for calling for "white genocide"

>Professor stops me there and starts berating me

>Suddenly the only other group of white boys starts defending me and said that they sided with her at first but she didn't give the whole picture and now they agree he should have been fired

>I look over and the white man defending me is a old 4th grade friend of mine I haven't seen in a decade, now coming in my hour of need

>After class literally all the white males in the room (all 7 of us) awkwardly converge and then talk about how this is going to be one hell of a class

The fire rises brothers <:tiki:389223465766486016>

Looks like IE is going to get 3 new members soon

I spoke to my family about the incident with my professor yesterday and I seriously think my father wants to join IE

my mother and father were talking to my boomer democrat grandma about white demographic replacement and how california is lost thanks to democrats

im literally floating on air rn

we're gonna win guys

Please tell me you at least told him about IE @missliterallywho

My commie professor described the LA Riots as the "LA Rebellion", and said that its racist to call them a riot as it "delegitimizes and criminalizes the political aims of the african-american community". I raised my hand and asked her if the beating of an innocent white motorist and the looting of Korean-American shops would not be considered criminal acts in her mind and she proceeded to justify the beating and then proclaim that "we need to think about who gets to decide what is legal and what isn't"

Just like last time I had 4 white guys come up to me after class and ask why the teacher is agitating for violence against white people. This time I was ready and I gave them all IE business cards

This Friday I'm going to introduce them to some local IE guys and get their applications done

I have more pics if you want @wayne peek

I-i was just following orders @Deleted User

Someone download it pls

Download it someone

2018-03-13 00:11:21 UTC [Fitness #general]  

If he has any honor left he'd go full Punisher

why am i in jail

someone hacked my account i think

ill behave

I wont shitpost anymore

i just made a brappost server

fellas lets press P to pledge to never brap in here again

i love authority

yeah i concede

i didnt hear you say anything in voice


@Matthias thank you so much

I finally get a cellmate and he kills himself

What a pussy... I've been in solitary for 42 days

2018-05-09 18:50:31 UTC [Fitness #general]  

Lol F I forgot this is an IE server sorry everyone

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