Discord ID: 144618760655863808
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televise the trials
CNN of all places flipped Arizona from Blue to Toss Up
More zombies voting in Detroit (I don't know if this is a repost):
charlie kirk just played a video of them delivering more ballots to be counted in GA
more cheating
69,774,193, and that's without anything added like the other side
Let them, their fraud will be exposed
the level of disrespect for the dead knows no bounds
The ironic thing is Leftists still think of fox as the bastion of right leaning news
woa, that's big news
Antifa have their riots
We've got our trucks
^ lin wood's filing
wayne is in mi
ah gotcha
i've seen 2000 elections, when gore beat bush...
at least the media crowned him
it's not over yet
sidney is making me have christmas in november
I hear bells ringing in the air...
Cause Clarence must've gotten his wings, and he's looking at Georgia...
a cold civil war, which the left wants to make hot
the ak guy?
I always thought SC would be the end game, because the lower courts would just dismiss outright
holding the line
please no firing squad
ammo's in short supply
rope is reusable!
Hold the line, wait for the saga to play out
The news is trying their hardest to get americans to accept
didn't bush lose in the lower courts before SC weighed in?
rudy said in the hearing that they have 3 whistleblowers
they didn't want to put them on for protecttion
any further news on ?
they said it was going to go up today
I would say the five constitutionalist judges will rule fairly
Roberts is an activist
O'Keefe doing actual journalism
those are her team's works
they're among the best
just my opinion, but trump won by such big numbers that the dems couldn't help but make their cheating obvious
Can anyone confirm if this picture is real or not?
This is the guy that just a few days ago, his doctor said his 78 year old body sustained fractures on his leg
that's also true
I don't know if this has been posted:
Michigan is likely a lost cause, but I'm glad these hearings are streamed for the whole world to see.
MI Rep Johnson tried to play the race card and Jenna doesn't fall for it
I think it's time to recreate Sherman's march...
more than sus
holy shit we got a voting machine and they proved it switched votes
Joe: We have the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history
Us: We have a Dominion voting machine...
oh NOW he shows up
I'm sure he'll employ dominion systems to ensure he gets re-elected
You could say, you hardly find any musicians of his caliber:
yeah the post above me:
The only way Biden gets sworn in is for the Republican traitors to become complicit in the Dem crime
RINOs don't realize that what they do is infinitely worse than what Democrats do.
Democrats say their intentions out in the open. They hand out 'free stuff' that's not really free, they promise the moon and back if only we give the government just a little more power.
RINOs backstab. They pretend they're for freedom, the Constitution, the American spirit of taking care of oneself and not having the government dictate what you can and can't have. They promise their voters that and more. Then stab you when the time comes.
hear hear
Yes, GA gov caved
However, it's suspicious that he only caved when it became known that Trump team got a hold of an actual Dominion voting machine and figured out how it works...
no it's GA
and yes you may be right as well
it's due to the video AND the dominion machine
GA SOS = Stinks Of Swamp
i just saw it myself
I don't know what exactly they're at the SC for
I'll post if there's any updates or that post of mine was completely bunk
Pence had rally for the senators in GA; He also stood by Trump 100%
PA Gov said "no fraud, we're good"
PA legislature appear spineless
to my knowledge, that's the happenings for the day
just my take on it, PA legislators are wanting to 'pass the blame.'
They don't want to say "we did it."
ty for that, really informational and prophetic O_O
watched it last night, he was eye opening, ty for sharing that here
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