Message from @Anigans
Discord ID: 774116008679571488
just incase you have not seen it
There really looking for votes in GA for biden
they have stopped add to them for a while now
all votes that is
I pulled data from wisconsinvote<dot>org and added it up.
How do 53k people go vote for President but not a State Rep? Is that normal?
Wisconsin Vote Totals
Biden 1,630,542
Trump 1,610,007
Others 48,872
Total 3,289,421
State Rep Totals
GOP 1,671,257
Dems 1,556,760
Others 7,911
Total 3,235,928
Difference Total Vote
Diff GOP Vote (Not Counting Others)
Diff Dem Vote (Not Counting Others)
if anything candidate presidents are more often voted for over anything else.
Thats what the data shows but I would think if a person took the time to fill out a ballot to mail in or go to the poll to vote, that person would fill out the entire ballot.
Maybe not, just looks a little sus.
PA turnout in 2016 was 61.26% compared to 109% in 2020.
Wonder how many same day registrations there were.
GA at 60% in 2016 vs 96% in 2020
Is trump loosing Georgia
Difference is down to 1700 votes
With more votes to count
And of course, from Dem heavy districts
I think those districts might have lots of large cemeteries
its tied in Georgia like what?
well in % trump is still ahead in votes
charlie kirk just played a video of them delivering more ballots to be counted in GA
Please tell me this is true
Live voter fraud right in front of us
Keep these stories sharing, Biden's campaign is cheating
Here is the problem we have. My dad was in voter task fraud in AZ back in 2008 and you have to present each ballot to a judge (or at least had to). They would spend 30 minutes proving a fraudulent vote but after a couple hours you can only dispute like 10 votes. Now imagine 1,000 +
That’s why they keep pumping fraud they know it’s near impossible to dispute
i dont take L's for fraud
2,000 apart
I'm willing to bet once Biden goes above, it'll get called. Nevermind that it shuld've been called on Election night
> That’s why they keep pumping fraud they know it’s near impossible to dispute
@john23 Is that to imply that judges are not willing to do their job?
they still have 9000 military votes which you would think be atleast 60% trump
of my (army) shop of 23 only 3 are for Biden. 2 black sergeants who think white people are keeping them back and one never trumper who think things will be normal without trump.
Im saying it could take 100 days to get through 1,000 ballots and decades to get through the millions of fraudulent votes. You have to prove beyond a doubt I think...
I don’t think judges at least in AZ can just throw out batches of ballots, I pray I am wrong and things changed since Trump got in