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2020-11-07 12:51:10 UTC [Zeducation #🔥|2020-won-memes]

2020-11-13 18:09:25 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

please share

2020-11-13 18:09:35 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

we are watching the fraud

the collusion goes deep but the BBC is publicly funded and has a duty to remain impartial the publication of fake news for them discredits their ability to fact check which means the may loose public funding and face a criminal inquiry

help this story grow

do you actually care about gay people ?

> this is what happens when you cater to the sexually degenerate
@mightytrump do you actually care about gay people thouh?

nobody cares though just tell your kids they want you to chop your dick off so they can sell you drugs and make up but i don't think its a good idea because your ideas on sexuality do change and that's a decision you cant change

> Post "Shadow of Deth" or "Reckoning Day" by Megadeth
@mightytrump learn to articulate yourself and stop adding to the madness

> Shower Thought: Transgenderism is a ploy by Pharmaceutical Companies to get people to pay for drugs used in gender reassignment, in turn making them richer
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty how else are you gonna double the makeup industry and sell worthless hormones ?

its not hard to shut it down 4 what it is

> @Reedy777s Posting songs about the Lord being my shepherd or you being out of control in your personal life is not adding madness. Telling kids they can transition genders, make up genders, and get surgery to change genders is fucked up madness
@mightytrump maybe try my arguement next time logic and reason works wonders

who do you think is paying for the platform to shout about this crap

just call it out for what it is and if people wanna be used let em

at the end of the day they the ones who got trolled into chopping there dick of

> @Reedy777s I am not going to permit minors being manipulated to false identities and mutilating their bodies
@mightytrump yes but your aloowing yourself to be emotionally hijack and look like the bad guy

people need to learn to protect themselves

> @Reedy777s indeed. but the kids are too young to realized that. especially kids in a "bubbled" environment. kids growing up in harsher conditions learn to protect themselves very early on.
@isoboto teach your kids and they can teach others get your arguement straight for the head teacher if theres trouble, keep composure and say its just about the money and its not right ,

you cant argue with reason

well you cant win if you cant explain yourself with reason the pen is mightier than the sword

its about the money and if parents wanna allow there children to be abused so that Biden and his buddies can make a profit its on them nobody else

just point it out and then let them be the bad guy

its that simple

what will they say

> @Reedy777s jesus christ. i don't think you grasp the fact that it's more complex than that. The parents can "point it out" all they want but the kids would not listen, what would you do? I was a rebel at one point (still am) and was convinced everything my parents say are lies and I'll act the opposite
@isoboto would you honestly chop you dick off though kids are not stupid

do you know kids see calmness as authority

> @Reedy777s the kids would not want that, but if the parents want to force the kids to transition (there are stories of stepmoms wanting to transition their sons), the kids have virtually no choice
@isoboto buddy theres no way my mum could of talked me into that nonsense

just explain the con they will understand there's nothing to worry about stop panicking it makes us all look bad stories like that are too gaslight you and make you look a fool

> @Reedy777s what are you talking about? we are not panicking. we're telling you the kids are very easy to manipulated. are we on different wavelength 😂
@isoboto kids dont listen to crazy people


just tell them the truth there people that want to make money from you and they will try to convince you to do stupid thing

> and answer every question
@mightytrump do you understand emotional hijacking and gas lighting

you tell them to stand up to the teacher and explain the conflict of interests so we can make an informed decision

stop allowing people to take advantage of us by not telling the whole truth

shit the teachers likely to flip

most of them are decent people

them what now its a problem with all the teachers

the pen is mightier than the sword you win with reason and logic

thats how people take your side

> don't stoop to the level of an idiot though, he will beat you with experience
@mightytrump who will beat me with experience

> Yes. But the propaganda machine has bigger pens with better ink
@isoboto you cant unsee the truth

> @Reedy777s stooping to idiots who fail to see the point means you lose because you fail to connect
@mightytrump thats a you problem if you cant explain it you need to articulate yourself better

but thats what a mean they gaslight you to send you in with a chip on your shoulder so your already the bad guy before you start whose gonna take your side

no one

yes but that not how democracy works you need to convince other people

> if you feel strongly about an issue you speak strongly about it
@mightytrump you dont have to shout that the sky is blue you just say it because its the truth remember that

> woke lefties will say its not blue
@dumb idiot so let them be the crazy one

and leave it at that

> @Reedy777s i may be yelling but i am not shouting. its a whole other thing to start using children as pawns. its incredibly damaging and sets a dangerous precedent
@mightytrump i know this but i also know how this game works composure is king you dont need to fight for the truth it speaks for itself just simply state it and leave it at that

> @Reedy777s i think you look at the world a bit too 2-dimensional. logic and facts don't necessarily convince people. in fact, you can google anything and have an article that support your thesis. so you can't always rely on facts. it's also emotional appeals. that's why the climate change crisis took off -- fear is a huge driving factor. again, that being said, some people seek out new information and they're capable of changing their mind. secondly, democracy isn't convincing others -- it's about give-and-take. You and I may have differences but we will work within our similarities to achieve a common goal
@isoboto yes thats called emotional hijacking

only if you allow youself to emotionally hijacked

that's called an emotional decision as opposed to an intellectual one and is normally followed by regret or remorse when our intellectual reasoning catches up

see and thats sign of imaturity

education allows you to make you own decisions and opinions

indoctrination is a seperate matter

> @Reedy777s not really. all of your choices are irrational and your brain will bend backward to rationalize it. if the "intellectual choice" and "facts and logic works" then everybody would agree with each other. yet you have academic disputes or people disagreeing on how things function
@isoboto yes but there are different motivations

its not because when cant agree or dont know its just that we aim to profit in a different way

> @Reedy777s not necessarily. for example, if you go and talk to college-educated or higher people, they are more heavily leaned on one-side of the spectrum compared to us here in a centrist-conservative servers
@isoboto yes thats not an education then its indoctrination

> @Reedy777s how can you distinguish the two? we're always under indoctrination, from one side or the other. we -- in this centrist-conservative server -- are listening to a different propaganda compared to the mainstream leftist-progressive propaganda
@isoboto the there definitions which do vary but and a generalization education allows you to freely choose whereas indoctrination enforces a predefined believe without question

yes its called a dictatorship but its doomed to fail because its fundamentally flawed

> @mightytrump yup. you're a smart cookie
@isoboto my opinion its a global dictatorship fight to control the media

this goes into complex economics

> @Reedy777s oh yeah, it's undeniable. china has everybody in its pocket. america is also in china's pocket, but trump is giving it a good fight (or attempting to, anyway)
@isoboto so if you see this why do you think others dont

but quite clearly half of america voted trump with you

and probably 25% would have supported you and stood with you if you didnt let them play you against each other

do you understand now

> If China wants
@mightytrump yes but if you stopped acting like a raging homophobe then probably a lot of the gays would have voted with you. they gay not stupid but you let them turn you against each other now we all taking it up the arse


> @Reedy777s bruh. there ARE gays people voted for trump lmao and there are gay conservatives
@isoboto you get the point though the identitity politics is what lost the election people need to rise above it i mean blm equality of outcome that even gaslit shapero

people need to not get triggered into fight against each other

> @mightytrump Trudeau got elected the first time because he was Pierre Trudeau's son. He was a drama teacher prior to that!!! He's truly spineless. He's also the one that go "no, we don't refer to them as mankind. that's sexist. we refer to them as peoplekind". As I said, he's obama 2.0 -- which is probably why he and his cabinet hates trump
@isoboto trump should of just bested him and said we can be women kind if you want it makes no difference to me

let trudeau piss all the feminist off with a comeback

2020-11-16 22:13:44 UTC [Zeducation #🚽|media-bias]

2021-01-17 23:51:05 UTC [Zeducation #📣|meme-talk]  

cracked me up

2021-01-17 23:52:37 UTC [Zeducation #📣|meme-talk]  

that's how fascism works

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